Richard Abbot

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The 12 Moods of Rona

It has been a while since I said much about this. So, here are 12 moods I have experienced during the last few months. Like all moods they should not be taken as gospel. However…

1. When things go bad, they go bad FAST. I think a lot of people subconsciously know this, which is why they watch and read the news all day long, looking for signs. Many of us became too comfortable, and too many of us thought we knew what tomorrow would bring.

2. Things are impossible right up until the moment they happen. Just because someone cannot imagine something, it does not mean it cannot be. A lot of the difficulty that people have had in the past year (and are still having) is due to the presence of a surreal sense of ‘wtf, is this really happening?’ Answer, yes, I am afraid it is.

3. What if this was a practice run? How did you cope? Do not forget that even at its most extreme the mortality rate was never higher than 2 or 3%. Just wait and see what happens when there is a real emergency. Better still do not wait, act. In Soul Strong I talk about reconfiguring your life so that it gets stronger in the face of shocks, not weaker.

4. The revolution will not be televised. The media has proven itself completely unreliable. They paint incomplete pictures and then refuse point blank to consider any views to the contrary. News has turned into advocacy, and many news providers are blind to reality because of their own biases. The revolution (when it inevitably comes) will not be televised, because the mainstream media will not send the cameras there, and because social media will censor it.

5. Conspiracy theorists were right – but you still cannot trust them. Well, not all of them were right of course, for there is still some super-wild stuff out there on t’internet, but in the big things many of them called it right. The trouble is there are two types of conspiracy theorists; free-thinkers and repeaters. Free-thinkers, unconstrained by the need to conform, and already cast out by polite society, can let their minds roam where the rest of the population dare not tread. These people are valuable. But they are often mixed up with repeaters, who hate the system so much that they join dots that are not there and make connections where none exist just so that everything burns. We need to know the difference between the two. Free-thinkers are alarm clocks, performing the vital task of waking others up. But what happens once you wake up? Many conspiracy theorists have nothing to offer here and that is why you often cannot wholly trust them.

6. Love is strong, but at certain times and in certain places, fear is stronger. Spiritual people rarely want to look at this, which is in fact why we are where we are. But fear is a powerful force, that causes people to abandon all sense and reason. Fear rules, for now, and it being used to coerce and compel people in very sinister ways.

7. Death is not the end. It is merely the final stage of life. I have been astonished as to how many spiritual people have bypassed this fact. A useful antidote to fears about death is to investigate your own past lives. This provides great perspective, enabling you to realise that life goes on, no matter what.

8. Your health is your primary responsibility. Everyone is different, and a treatment that is right for one will not be right for another. This is fundamental, Health and Wellbeing 101 if you like. There is no panacea for good health, though a lot of money, power and influence can be accrued by those willing to claim that there is. Society will soon regret casting aside the idea of ‘your body, your choice’.

9. The is a war on against the individual. Increasingly we hear the drum beat of the collective, the tribe, society, and every time this has been heard in history trouble has followed. People go mad in crowds, in groups, in tribes, and only later (sometimes much later) do they come to their senses, individually. Uniqueness and individuality are the cornerstones of spiritual development, and you cannot get anywhere near to a meaningful connection to God without knowing at least something about who you are, and how you are different to the person next to you.

10. Science is the new religion. Its High Priests are the Chief Medical Officers who daily offer up the New Communion to all their eager followers. One of the tenets of the New Religion is the demonisation of independent thinking and denigration of personal responsibility. According to the New Religion, you are less important than others. Though these words come wrapped in compassion, the people who adopt them are not in service to the needy, but in servitude to their masters.

11.It did not have to be like this. Just because good can be found in a situation it does not mean that situation is good, or that it had to happen. Rona is not a divinely inspired blessing. Rona is what happens when man thinks he is God, and the destruction of dreams and livelihoods through indiscriminate lockdowns is what happens when a society abandons God.

12. It is not over. Rona or no Rona, governments have developed a taste for locking their citizens down, and many citizens have fallen in love with Daddy government for doing this. So I expect us to be locked down again, in one way or another. 2020 was Peak Crazy. But the ramifications of the decisions taken in 2020 will cast a long shadow into the future. I was always sceptical of the ability of government to do any good. But it is pretty clear now that many world leaders do not care about either their people or their country, and are themselves in service to others.

I can well appreciate that my use of the word God, as well as my general tone here may be off-putting to some. But these are moods, not gospel truths, and they are certainly not intended to diminish the good works that people and communities have done to hold themselves together during this time. But I am interested in the bigger picture, and the lessons that those who come after us will have to grapple with.

Freedom, individual choice and personal responsibility are spiritual matters, not political or social ones. 14 months of propaganda, distortion, fear and misinformation have had profound effects on souls across the world. I see this every day, and it breaks my heart. But I know that the condition of the world is not really about Rona at all, for she is one single manifestation of a much bigger problem, namely our society’s abandonment of the notion of God.

I wrote Soul Strong for a reason, and Rona is referred to precisely twice in its pages. The word ‘Soul’ on the other hand, appears 3176 times, and ‘God’ 1381 times. Those proportions give a big clue how Rona – and all the evil that gave birth to her, as well as that which has flowed from her - can be defeated. Souls the world over are starving, crying out for a level of nourishment that Big Pharma, Big Tech, Government and the Media simply cannot provide. I have attempted to provide what they need. I hope that you care about the fate of Souls as much as I do, and will both read the book and try to put some of its guidance into practice.

All questions and comments related to this, or the contents of the book, which you can buy here, are gratefully received.

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash