Richard Abbot

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One World?

Hotel Acceptable, Warsaw, Poland, Wednesday 3rd April 2023, 6.03am

It was noticeable the moment I was ‘wheels up’ at London Luton Airport, and it was even more apparent now. I had speculated upon it in my book Great Britain? The Secret Destiny of the British & Their Isles in 2015, and I had felt it for the first time in 2016, on a return trip from Norway, But now I could taste it. It was no longer even a feeling, an idea or a suspicion. I could sense it as clear as day, almost as if it were right before my eyes. Britain was cursed.

It was all so clear. This wasn’t about me liking or disliking the UK. Or liking or disliking Poland, or Norway, or France, or anywhere else. Everywhere has plusses and minuses. It was much deeper than that. There was something qualitatively different - discernibly bad - about Britain.

Astrologers will say that I felt this way because my Venus line runs vertically down through Western Poland, a good thing for joy and human connection. I do not have a similar line in Britain.

My doctor would say that I just needed a break, He may have been right; my ears certainly had let out a loud crack (rather than a pop) on descent into Warsaw Chopin Airport.

But there was something else going on.

On the plane I had started to read Demons, the novel that Dostoyevsky wrote during the mad years of late 19th century Russia, pre-Soviet Revolution. Around this time he had written to his friend, Apollon Maikov,

“He who loses his people and his national character loses both the faith of his fathers and God.”

Now, Demons is very long, rambling and difficult to read, but it contains a moral for our times, a warning about what happens to people when they become internally unbalanced and unmoored from reality. The characters in Demons are visible all around us today; they are the people who are obsessed with money and relationships, constantly drinking and ever ready to take offence, acting out at the first hint of something they dislike.

And the point is that so-called spiritual people aren’t necessarily exempt from this. In fact some of them are the most demon-possessed of all.

The problem is that within the New Age movement, the world of alternative spirituality, there exists a great many delusions, such that most New Agers, it can truthfully be said, inhabit a fantasy world.

Chief among these fantasies is the concept that the future must be better, that we must become more open, tolerant and conscious, because more and more of us now inhabit liberal, globalised, technologically advanced democracies. But I invite you to consider, as I am doing now, just for five minutes, that the One World Idea, and all that goes along with it, is simply not the way we are meant to live.

To explain further I must reach deep into past to the life of John Dee (in whose footsteps I am currently treading).

John Dee was, they say, the most learned man of his generation, keeper of the largest library this side of Rome, and variously advisor, astrologer and magician to Queen Elizabeth I.

Disillusioned, in his quest for knowledge, with the world of the normal, he started speaking to the Angels. More accurately, he got involved with a rum cove by the name of Edward Kelley, who started channelling the Angels on his behalf. The story is long and complex, with chapters that today might be considered varyingly insane, dangerous and regretful, but one piece of information that was revealed to Dee is going to become highly relevant to us now - the idea of The Parts of the Earth.

Dee reckoned, because the Angels told him (through Kelley), that governance of the Earth was divided up among (at least) 91 Angels, each of these ruling over a geographical region of the planet. It is extremely important to note that the borders of these Parts of the Earth do NOT easily or always correlate with either present day, or historical, national borders, and, according to Dee and the Angels, there was never intended to be such a thing as global governance, except by God. The people who lived in, for example, Germania, were meant to be different and separate from those who lived in Brytania. Of course they would trade, communicate and interact with each other, but in Dee’s system there were no citizens of the world, and therefore nothing was ever borderless. It is easy, nowadays, to dismiss all this as medieval superstition, yet everyone knows (deep down) that borders are limits, and limits have value. In fact we can’t do without them. So here’s an assignment for you, your latest opportunity to unfollow me. Consider what your life would look like if all the limits - every single one of them - were removed. If you think the result would be a good thing then please unfollow! If you can instead see that the result would in fact be a catastrophe for you, as well as everyone else, then please stick around…

If you are still here then it’s important to understand that the governance of these Parts of the Earth, and the management of their borders, was never intended to be either economic, political or racial. It is simply to do with the Earth itself, the Land, the soil under your feet, which is different in one Part of the Earth to another. Anybody who has travelled and performed any kind of energy work (healing, grounding, protection etc) in different countries knows this. The Land speaks. The Land attracts those people that it needs and repels those it does not. Within this system it is quite fantastical to believe that we, puny as we are, have agency over where we travel to and where we live. The Land decides!

And what has the Land of Britain decided? Well, the full picture is yet to be revealed, but what is certain is that many (most? virtually all?) of the people in Britain have stopped listening to it. There is quite simply an insanity in the UK which simply isn’t present here in Poland. Of course the UK is by no means the only country to have lost its marbles, but the effects of the insanity, as Dostoyevsky so well explains, have started to become ever more visible. Discussion of almost anything of value or worth is now impossible. People are, by and large, rude, sullen and selfish. Everything is expensive and everywhere you go there is a faint aroma of decay. Not much works. Few are happy. London, bright, shiny and new though areas of it are, is maybe (?) an exception, but only because London is pretending not to be Britain. London has superficially transformed itself into an international city, the financial and legal capital of the world, but the benefits of this have not been felt very far outside the M25. Nor, when a quite ordinary four-bed semi in London can cost £1 million, are they quite what they seem.

I have said before (many times) that trouble’s-a-coming-for-Britain, but it may be even worse than I thought, for there is a war on, between the demonically possessed people of Britain and the divinely inspired Land of Britain. The battle will be almighty and the result of this war, between the forces of darkness and light will not be known for many years. I am sure though, and this is as specific as I can get, that if Keir Starmer is elected later this year that he will usher in some kind of New Communism. Yes, I know how that sounds. But it will not sound so crazy in a few years time. Under Starmer and Labour the state is going to be ‘harnessed’ for ‘the productive benefit of the people’ whether they like it or not. There will be a general ‘uplifting’ of the downtrodden (state officials deciding who the downtrodden are and are not). There will be a reckoning with the excesses of recent times (because enemies, whether guilty or not, are always useful). There will be diversity quotas, the net result of which will be to ensure that the best and brightest have no opportunity to fulfil their potential (as well as the rest of us having no chance to benefit from that). There will be anti-racism moves (which will in fact create a more racially divided country). And there will be a thousand other ‘progressive initiatives’, all in perfect alignment with the One World Idea. The national conversation, put out across compliant media, will have a tightly controlled Year Zero feel to it, just like the Eastern Bloc counties experienced under Soviet rule. Sadly, most people will neither know nor care that the price of all this ‘progress’ will be their freedom, but that’s sometimes how it goes. You can take all this to the bank by the way, I am quite certain about it, because it’s the inevitable result of the curse that Britain now labours under. And the very nature of a curse is that those who live under it don’t know that they do. The people will be consumed, as Dostoyevsky explained, by the demons of envy, offence and revenge. It has already begun.

One key component of the progressive One World Idea, which always says ’past bad - future good’ is the Illusion of Progress. It’s an illusion because there is no such thing as progress, only change, which suits some and not others. This Illusion of Progress will result in the New Regime freely promising enhanced diversity (while actually delivering a flattening sameness), fairness (while punishing those who want to go their own way) and equality (in reality a new form of inequality, with those who were once down brought up, and those who were once up, cast down low). The Illusion of Progress is a key component of the One World strategy, where all countries must be be made to agree to a common agenda. Switch on the TV when you go abroad. You might not understand the words spoken but the set-ups, the formats, the scenarios, the staging, from country to country across the world are the same. The news presentations are different, but the same. The presenters are different, but the same. Everywhere that the One World notion is embraced you see a rush, headlong, into a more and more tightly controlled, less-free, more-vanilla society, while all the time the Land groans, for deep underneath this human madness the Land yearns for a new way, or perhaps we might say, an old way.

Those who care about environmental issues might consider that the solution to the degradation of the natural world is not some kind of progressive, co-ordinated global action, but divergent localised solutions which re-align the Land under your feet with the governance of the Angel of that Part of the Earth. Those who have problems with the human abuse of power through capitalism and corrupt politics might quite like the fact that by prioritising the needs of the Land you will eventually be able to dissolve many existing arbitrary, national borders, and overthrow many established human power structures. Then - and only then - might we lift our sights above the narrow horizons of both conservatism and progressivism. If you are interested in the expansion of consciousness then the twin delusions of the modern mind, the politics of Left AND Right, must be slayed..

Revival of rulership by the Parts of the Earth is not nationalism, but in fact deep environmentalism. Once the One World Idea is discarded then human society will take its place, not as superior, but alongside, the Natural World.

The difficulties faced by humanity are, in almost every instance, created by humanity, born of our rebellion against God and Nature. Restoration of the Rule of Nature, and the consequent and long overdue humbling of human beings, is one stage in a journey. New Ageism and modern day spirituality has nothing whatsoever to offer us here, obsessed as it is with the Self. The Self is important. We need to know about it. But that’s only the first step, not the last, for in the end spiritual development demands self-denial. Only by completely annihilating the Self can one hope to reach the Divine.

Though all this may seem all rather esoteric, or even somewhat extreme, the idea of the Parts of the Earth is an idea whose time is coming, while the One World Idea has, at last, entered its death spiral. But there’s a way to go yet. Millions of people in Britain will shortly vote themselves into abject misery by installing a class of busy-bodies and bureaucrats who care more for ideology than they do about actual people or the planet. This madness will however, eventually, (though perhaps not in my lifetime), open the door to a re-discovery of Dee’s Parts of the Earth, bringing down the curtain, once and for all, on both globalisation and the idea of politically, or economically formed nation states. The communities of the future will be Land-based, the borders drawn not by the strongest, the wealthiest or the most well-meaning but by the sensitives who can divine the intentions of that field over there from this field right here. One way or another, that’s where we are going. It’s just that Britain particularly (though not exclusively) will have to pass through a horror show first.