Beyond The Great Reset

The problem with conspiracy theories is that even when they are right, they are often also wrong. For example, one of the fatal flaws among many conspiracy theorists is to attribute destructive activity exclusively to non-human lizards who masquerade as people. The trouble is that this ignores the very real evil done by ordinary, tax-paying, supermarket shopping people. It also implies that humans are inherently good, and would always do good things if only the lizards could be overthrown, whereas the truth is that we are all good AND bad. This is Spiritual Development Lesson One – take the plank out of your own eye before trying to remove the splinter in someone else’s. There is certainly such a thing as, let us call it ‘multi-dimensional darkness’, but most bad things are simply what happens when the mass of people become lazy, fearful, weak and compliant. It could be said that humanity is put into such a state by these lizards, but that lets us off the hook far too easily. Humans are not just hapless victims at the mercy of larger forces, we have agency and need to take responsibility for the mess we ourselves have created.

And we perhaps ought to do this pretty sharpish, because something fundamental has gone wrong with our world, particularly amongst our all-too-human leaders. I spent many days trying to assemble a timeline of what, where and how things got so bad, but then a good friend picked up on my frustration and sent me a link. I urge you to take the time to read one person’s take on the hot topic of the moment, vaccine hesitancy HERE

Though he starts the journey in 2016 the truth is that the move toward medical tyranny, by a know-it-all-elite, has been long in the making and uses methods and practices which most people are unaware of. Watch another highly rational person laying out how we have come to this HERE

You may notice that there is nothing in either of those two links which even sniffs at the idea of a conspiracy. This is because no conspiracy is required! It’s just the system working as it was intended to. But once you start investigating the mammoth inconsistencies, total absence of logic and smoke and mirrors manipulation conducted by almost all governments across the world in the past 18 months then something more sinister does start to come into view. If you look long enough you might even wonder whether our leaders are serving another agenda. And then, if you carry on looking, you will sooner or later happen upon something called the Great Reset, the new world order which promises that “you will own nothing and be happy” HERE

Now, to investigate the Great Reset is to enter into a rabbit hole extraordinaire, whose nooks and crannies will require many hours (days, weeks, months, years?) to navigate. But thankfully you can get it straight from the horse’s mouth, the World Economic Forum HERE

If you don’t want to watch that, then let me summarise it for you. The Great Reset holds out the promise of Full Luxury Automated Communism, where rights and privileges are handed down to you by a benevolent world government, who will, regrettably, sometimes be forced to suspend those rights for the good of the collective. Just don’t worry your pretty little head about that though, because the world is too complex for you understand, and anyway Daddy Government loves you very much and would never hurt you. Under this new regime you will probably not need to work, which is good because due to automation there will not be any jobs. And that’s double plus good because it means you will be free of the stress of needing to achieve or accomplish anything. You will simply be paid a sufficient Universal Basic Income and suitably entertained by various dramas and events. But if you want to do anything real or important with your life, and especially if you want to go against the grain in anyway, well that might damage social cohesion so it will not be allowed. What do you reckon? Sounds great doesn’t it? All this is course straight out of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, or if you fancy a slightly different take on it, Trepalium.

Clearly, this is not great at all, it is terrible. Of course, you are free to disagree and believe that it’s all quite a good idea, but what you believe does not really matter because it is being implemented, under the cover of COVID, whether you like it or not. And that is kind of the point.

But it is important to realise that this is nothing new. The ideas behind the Great Reset have been percolating away for decades. Therefore, by researching the Great Reset you are not studying the future so much as the past and the present, because the foundations that it requires have already been built. This is not to be defeatist or to cry surrender, but simply to recognise the reality that the barbarians are not on their way to Rome, they are already inside the city walls, and it was ordinary citizens who opened the gates for them.

Now, if this were all that were happening then you would be right to despair. But it is not. There is something else, far bigger and more important taking place. Some call it the End Times, others call it the Apocalypse. I call it The Great Revealing, and it has only just begun.

We are now living in a time where secrets and lies, misdeeds done by the rich and powerful, Left, Right and Centre, can no longer be hidden. The facts of what has happened, what has been done and the identities of those who did it will all be revealed and there will be nowhere to hide. Everyone, in the end, will see that The Great Reset is just one part of The Great Revealing, the coming into vision of what a globalised know-it-all elite have been doing FOR YEARS. The foreshadowing of this is already tearing at the edges of the social fabric, and the inevitable full reveal may well bring everything crashing down.

Consider only a fraction what has already happened over the last few years.

The exposure of Harvey Weinstein. The movement from his behaviour being tolerated, even encouraged and supported to him being shamed and vilified HERE

The release of thousands of classified documents through Wikileaks, including the fact that the US government reads the private texts and emails of its own citizens HERE

The birth of Project Veritas and their secret camera recordings of CNN employees admitting to bias and distortion HERE

The full-blown establishment effort to ‘fortify’ the US election to get rid of Trump HERE

Wall Street Bets and the associated revelations about the absolute stacked table that is the stock and securities market HERE

The ongoing repression by the Chinese government of its minority Muslim population, and complicity of global corporations in this HERE and HERE

And that is all before we even get into Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, the five Presidents whose deaths were of course unrelated and the ongoing story about January 6th Insurrection at the US Capitol.

Now, at this point some will immediately appeal to the fact-checkers for help in an attempt to shore up their faith in government and their belief that it is only old, white, right-wing racists who do bad things. But this will not wash, for in the time of the Great Revealing all the facts, about all the things, and all the people will eventually come out…

Fear & Trauma

Now, I suggest that we don’t need to worry too much about the truth or the lie of any of these things, because the Great Revealing will sort the problem out for us. This will apply to all movements, including those which call themselves inclusive and tolerant. In fact, such movements, introduced to the West under the guise of openness are, in many cases, driven hard by a much more primitive emotion – fear. In fact, it could be said that the entire approach to governing Western society since 1945 has been one long fear-based, trauma response to the First and Second World Wars.

The ongoing energetic, psychic significance of these events, 1914-1918, and 1939-1945 should not be underestimated, for they dealt a shattering blow to the self-confidence and self-belief of Western civilisation. These tragedies and atrocities, it should not be forgotten, did not take place in some barbaric backwards country in the middle of nowhere. No, the most destructive things that man has ever done were seeded in the most sophisticated, cultured, advanced and educated country on earth, Germany. Though most people have failed to connect the dots, Western intellectuals and policy makers quickly formed the conclusion that people simply could not be allowed to make their own decisions about anything important, because look what happened when they did!

Everything about the way the West has been governed since 1945 has been fear-based. The European Union and UN, which undoubtedly produced some very good things for very many people, are both fundamentally driven by a fear of what might happen if they didn’t exist. No question that the elites play on this fear, pump it up and exaggerate it, but the fear is already there, a psychic energy that permeates everything in the West. From this fear flows guilt, shame, self-hatred and a people begging to be governed harder and protected from what ‘others’ might do to them. All because, supposedly, Hitler’s waiting round the corner again. You only have to look at the hysterical responses to the Brexit vote and the election of Trump. These weren’t disagreements about the results of democracy, they were a loss of faith in democracy, an irrational fear that the ignorant masses might once again make a terrible mistake.

Even though this fear is absurd and irrational it is still highly effective. But you don’t need lizards for any of this. It is dead simple: The West has playing out one long trauma response since 1945. The Great Reset is just the last throw of the dice, the erection of a society where everyone will be safe and protected, whether they like it or not. Society, heal thyself!

Smile for the Apocalypse!

Although The Great Revealing is an apocalypse (from the Greek apokalypsis, meaning to lay bare or disclose) it does not have to be a catastrophe. Instead, The Great Revealing gives us a chance to see that the stories we have been told, as well as many of those that we willingly tell ourselves, bear no relationship to the reality of our world. Most of us live a life of illusion, and that illusion is coming to an end…

This reality – the way that it is – is that the US government does read the emails of its citizens, the Chinese government are systematically and brutally oppressing millions of their own people, woke global corporations do condone this and CNN is a biased, propaganda outlet that misinforms its audience about these facts. These are not matters of opinion, they are real, concrete and solid, have been true for years and are driven by fear!!

So, what can I do about this?

Well, maybe there is something. But first you have to make good with the way that it is. In every situation it is vital to look with your own eyes, listen with your own ears and then speak your own words. Do not allow others to tell you what to think. Work things out for yourself. Exert your right to say no, and exit the fear paradigm. You may get it wrong, but by exercising your inner muscles, even if your conclusions are wrong, you will be set right in the end. There is nothing to fear, and everything to gain during this time. So long as you value truth. And God. That’s the real problem of course, the West has succumbed to fear because, following the horror of the two world wars, many abandoned God. But God didn’t bring Hitler or the Holocaust. People did.

If you aren’t right with these kind of truths, or with God, then get right, asap. You could begin by reading Soul Strong. Yes, that’s a blatant plug, but I wrote the book for precisely this reason.

If you cannot do this, if the word God or the concept of truth are just too much, or you still believe in the power of imperfect people to perfect this world then you need only wait a little while longer to see even more revelations, for many more layers of grime and dirt will have to be removed before the beautiful, multi-faceted jewel called Life is revealed in full. Naturally, everyone will have a choice of how to react to each revelation. Some, undoubtedly, will reach for the fact-checkers to tell them what to think. Others, understandably, will throw their hands up in the air, not knowing the truth from the lie. Others will simply hate the system so much that they will believe anyone who promises an end to the madness. But then there will be a few, having invested time and effort in self-improvement and self-awareness, who will be confident enough to trust their inner knowing. These are the people who will be able to see what is really going on…

Right now however, the world is beyond messed up. Every day brings a new revelation, and one of the messages of the Great Revealing is that things have been messed up for ages, and were allowed to get messed up, by ordinary people who abandoned God and were trying to manage their own trauma, alone. But eventually even the most truth-resistant folk will realise that the alphabet media, much of academia, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and governments across the world are driven by fear and locked together as one, intent on distorting public opinion, just so that Hitler does not rise again. Even if we say that their motivations are noble the trouble is that they have been doing this for so long that they have become precisely what they hated, power-crazed authoritarians. It is not a conspiracy and you do not need to blame lizard people. In light of this each of us needs to look hard in the mirror and accept our share of the blame. What is happening is just the way that the system works when we abandon God and allow ourselves to be run by fear.

The Great Revealing will not occur without a fight, but it will in the end prevail, and a number of things will become clear in the process. First, crisis after crisis will lay bare the hubris and arrogance of men who think they are God. Even though some of us will be content to just crack on with our business and call the madness ‘Life’ in the end no one will be able to turn away from the truth of what people driven by fear have done to the world. Don’t believe those who claim to know the precise timeline and manner in which this will all unfold. That’s a mugs game. Simply know that in the end everyone will have to realise that the state of world is the inevitable consequence of man appointing himself as God. We have attained God-like powers over both of atoms and cells, but we are a long way from God-like wisdom.

If you want a swift resolution to all this then I have bad news for you. The lies are so great, the fog of illusion so thick, the fear so dense and the truth buried so deep, that the full extent of the Great Revealing is going to take a long time. But in the end the system as we have known it must collapse. Materialists and atheists will do everything they can to prevent this. And those who support the Great Reset will do their best to keep the system running for their benefit. They may even succeed, for a while. But anyone who has the slightest connection to God, Spirit or Source, will soon see that this system cannot last and that the collapse is both good, and necessary. The Great Reset will be seen, in hindsight as merely the Great Resuscitation, a final attempt by the elites to keep their show on the road.

To get through this it is vital to keep your eyes on the prize. Look inwards and upwards, not down. Look up to the stars, toward the future (there will be one). Look people in the eye. Put your phone down and see what’s going on in the world. Look into yourself and try to see how your uniqueness could be best put to work. What is the most constructive thing you can do in times like these? It is to find out who you are. And that will reveal what you are here for. Then you can take your rightful place and make the best possible contribution.

COVID-19 has been pivotal for many people. Some have been triggered into a level of fear, hysteria and paranoia from which they will struggle to recover. Others have been awakened to the malice and incompetence that plagues our world. Others have decided that it is all the fault of lizards. But some have decided to look hard in the mirror and see how they themselves have enabled this, and how they might free themselves from fear and act differently in the future. And that is what this time is really all about. Each of us are here, now, to awaken to who we are, and to reckon with what we have done, in this life and in the past, to heal, to overcome fear and turn back to God. Then, and only then can we accrue enough strength to fight for the present and build the future. While leaders around the world rack up the most terrible karma for their future incarnations, it falls to us to free ourselves from ours.

There is both malice and incompetence in the world, of that there is no doubt. But it seems to me that most harm is done by those who think themselves blameless, but whose every action and word reeks of fear. The future will curse all the smug know-it-alls who believe themselves virtuous, but it will bless all those who know, and have defeated, the power of their own Inner Lizard. Know yourself. Know what your strengths are. Honestly recognise your weaknesses. Heal the past by saying sorry, to yourself and those who you have let down. Reframe risk as opportunity. Fear no-one, but know your limits and stay within them. And get Soul Strong. You will then be able to confidently say ‘Bring on the Great Revealing!’