Great Britain?

As the crises of 2020 continue to pile up, I thought I would refresh and update what I wrote in Great Britain? The Secret Destiny of the British and their Isles. After all, the world does not begin and end in America, and forewarned is forearmed…

The idea is that a country, just like a person, has a name and a date of birth, and that these can be read using numerology. A country might be ‘born’ when it has a new constitution, or a major treaty change. For example, the USA was ‘born’ on 4th July 1776, while the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was ‘born’ on 7th December 1922 when the Republic of Ireland formally went its own way. This means that the UK has a Life Path of 6 (7+12+1922 = 1941, 1+9+4+1 = 15, 1+5 = 6). 6 is the number of society, family and caring for others. Some might question whether that really describes the country in which they live but consider things like the NHS (unique in the world) and the Royal Family (which is something subtly different from a straight monarchy). The very 6-type idea of public service broadcasting also has its home in Britain, through the BBC. There are many other examples in the book. When you think about it today’s Britain is a very 6-type place…

But that is where the trouble starts because this is only the latest incarnation of a very old country which has had many previous lives, from 1066 through Henry VIII, Cromwell and Empire. But in none of those incarnations has it ever experienced a Life Path 6. Only in 1922 did Britain start to work with this energy, which it had never worked with before in nearly a thousand years – 6, the number of society, caring and nurturing. Ever since then Britain has steadily become a more 6-type country. See the establishment of the NHS and the decline of the old class-based structures as just two aspects of this. But time moves slowly, and the shadows of the past linger on…

There have been 77 Prime Ministers since the first one, Sir Robert Walpole, in 1722, and in the book I explain how to attribute each of the 78 Tarot cards to each Prime Minister, in sequence. Once you do this British history starts to make a lot more sense. Boris Johnson, the current incumbent, is shown by the Nine of Pentacles, which in its reversed position is generally accepted as indicating an untrustworthy character.

So far then we have 77 Prime Ministers, but there are 78 cards, so we are reaching the end of the deck, and the end of this cycle. The next Prime Minister - perhaps the final Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - will be governed by the Ten of Pentacles, indicating that they will be totally absorbed by all things financial. Expect changes to taxation, possibly including Council Tax, reforms of planning laws and maybe even a mass house building project. The specifics of what they will do are impossible to say, but the flavour will be one of endings and renewals. I should imagine that by then the country will be virtually bankrupt…

I have always been interested in history, but in order to write this book I really had to get into the weeds of what happened in Britain over the last 1000 years. When I did this, through reading many different sources with sometimes strikingly different points of view, I began to wonder how the country ever became a pre-eminent global power, because for large periods of its history it has been governed shambolically. As I researched it became clear how the Empire was acquired almost by accident, and how successive Victorian and Edwardian governments thought their imperial commitments were a pain in the ass. Bumbling through has long been the British way, but never more so than since 1922, when the country embarked on the Path of the 6. How could this be? Numerology and Tarot, by themselves, could not explain. So I had to look elsewhere.

One month before Britain’s transition into a 6-type country, the tomb of Tutankhamun was unearthed by the British explorer Howard Carter. It is hard for us today to imagine an event with a comparable social or cultural importance. A Royal Wedding (or funeral) might possibly come close to the fever that was sparked by the discovery of the tomb and the removal of its contents. This phenomenon was fed, almost from the start, by the unnatural deaths of many of the exploring party, including the financier of the whole operation, Lord Carnarvon, who died from blood poisoning after a mosquito bite, four months after the tomb's discovery. Much heat has been generated over the years by stories of a mystical hex or curse upon the individuals involved in the dig. But what if the curse actually fell upon Great Britain as a whole?

‘As to anyone who violates my body which is in this tomb and who still removes any image from my tomb, he shall be hateful to the Gods and he shall not receive water on the altar of Osiris, neither shall he bequeath to his children, for ever and ever.’

This is the approximate translation of the words inscribed in the tomb itself and to fully understand the effects unleashed by the breaking of the seal, you have to consider the power of intention, especially when it is pure and unpolluted. The curse written at the time of burial was almost certainly introduced into oils and incenses of some kind, possibly sealed, waiting to be released. These things remained untouched for over three thousand years, but they are not like milk or bread – they do not go off. If anything their strength increases over time, released only when their protective seal is broken. Thus, the intentions and wishes of the Pharaoh were released through magical techniques we barely understand, in 1922. The direction of their expression moved beyond the individual explorers to touch the essence from which they originated – the British Empire.

Crazy as this may seem, consider what happened next. From the moment of the tomb's discovery the nation was marked, ceasing to exist in its then current form within one month. Within 20 years Britain had been threatened with invasion and destruction but the curse of the tomb was not satisfied and it struck again to deliver the final ruin of the Empire at Suez, in the Land of the Pharaohs, in 1957. Britain was touched again when the artefacts were exhibited at the British Museum in 1972, the same year that the country made its decision to join the forerunner of the European Union, the EEC. Then fast–forward to the artefacts return to London, at the O2 in November 2007. The Global Financial Crisis and years of austerity followed shortly after.

In the first edition of the book I wrote

“These were the only two occasions that the artefacts visited Britain. We might hope not to witness another exhibition in our lifetime.”

Sadly, on 2nd November 2019 the Tutankhamun exhibition opened at the Saatchi gallery in London. We all know what followed.

So, what happens next? A fundamental reset of the state of the nation, that’s what. Nothing less will do; the numbers, the cards, the Spirit of Tutankhamun, and the evidence before our very eyes demand it. Every day that this is resisted the problems grow worse. It is not just new policies, a new government, or new political parties that are needed, but a new country to emerge out of this. Jeremy Corbyn foreshadowed the enormity of the change, but his suitability (or otherwise) for the role is less important than the fact that he was simply too early. The coming change will be profound and significant. You will be able to taste it in the air and it will become more and more visible as the years go on. It will leave nothing untouched and a whole cascade of changes will begin on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, an event that will deliver psychic shock waves across the entire planet.

On 1st February 2020 Britain formally left the European Union and set off into the unknown, on a new Life Path of 7. 7 is the number of nature, history, science and technology, and I expect all these things to become more important. It is an inward-looking number, and an awkward stand-outside-the-mainstream number. But it is also the number of mysticism and magic, and the New Britain may yet become a place where such subjects can grow and develop. 7 is not an expansive number, so I would expect New Britain to be far less involved in world affairs than it has been in the past.

But has the Curse of Tutankhamun been satisfied? We had better hope so. But whether cursed or not I cannot see how the four nations of Britain remain together. After all, does anyone really believe that the country as it stands, works anymore, in any functional way? Perhaps the people of England will be happier as a small-fry nation with a scrappy, creative vibe? Perhaps Scotland needs to learn how national pride can oppress as well as unite? Perhaps Wales needs to rediscover its voice and become confident enough to stand on its own two feet? And perhaps Ireland should be Ireland, whole and undivided? Perhaps everyone will be happier if these things finally happen? Certainly, many are agitating for them and will not rest until they occur. But perhaps it is not a bad thing to be governed by people close to you? Perhaps a country can only be strong and healthy when it is small? Perhaps this is indicative of the future of the world? You only have to look at the Divided States of America to see what happens when people no longer want to breathe the same air as those who think and believe differently. And if you look around the world at other countires with large populations, you can see that many of them only hang together through oppressing and controlling their people. Perhaps Britain will, by leaving the European Union, break itself apart. But maybe then it will prove its value once more, and show the way to a New World, where small is beautiful.

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Photo by Rocco Dipoppa on Unsplash