The Lessons of Rona. Part 8: Health and Strength

I am not interested in why the Rona testing target has not been reached.

I am not interested in the NHS funding model.

I am not interested in App tracing for the virus.

And I am definitely not interested in mass vaccination!

What I am interested in, given the fact that Rona overwhelmingly gets people with pre-existing health conditions is why are so many people so ill, so much of the time?

Now, if you, your family and your friends are A1 healthy then you may not wonder about this, but I have to work hard to stay healthy and constantly deal with others who, in some way of other, are very far from A1 fitness. So, it is clear to me that our society exhibits a general level of illness and unhealthiness. This is a thing. But it’s a thing that our society seems reluctant to face.

One of the reasons that I refuse to watch the Rona Daily News Updates is that the government will not acknowledge that every individual can do a great deal about their health for themselves. Unless you are prepared to be locked down forever, sooner or later (and maybe already!) you are going to be exposed to the virus. So surely we should focus on making ourselves strong and healthy so that we can fight it off when we do get it? Am I missing something here? I don’t think so. Prevention is better than cure…

I am not a nutritionist of any kind, so this isn’t dietary advice, as such. I am a mystic who looks at energy. And I am interested in multi-dimensional health, paying attention to what goes into our eyes and our ears as well as our stomach. Whatever enters our being is potentially nourishing, or potentially toxic…


Whatever we drink or eat contains energy, so we should always eat and drink with an added sprinkle (or more!) of LOVE. Though this sounds very flaky it is in fact well known that the conscious addition into your food and drink, through concentration and intent, of energetic ingredients like LOVE, HEALTH or STRENGTH can have a profoundly positive effect on your wellbeing. If you don’t believe this try to eat your dinner while you have a raging argument with someone. The food will taste vile and you will probably lose your appetite or get indigestion. If it works in the negative it works in the positive.

That said, while I consider LOVE an essential ingredient it is not, I’m afraid, all you need. Other things, like vitamins and minerals are needed too, simply because decades of intensive industrial farming has leeched the goodness out of the soil. Therefore we cannot get all that we need from the food that we eat. Maybe we did once, but we don’t anymore. It does not matter whether you are vegan, veggie, pescatarian, keto, organic or anything else in between, at some point you will almost certainly need to take vitamin and mineral supplements, and in this regard you get what you pay for. Many views are available on this, but my friend Laura has some interesting things to say here.


As I mentioned last time, propaganda is destructive to the Soul, robbing us of our ability to navigate through life in our own unique way. But propaganda takes many forms. When we open ourselves to bombardment by harrowing imagery, emotive and evocative visuals and stimulating images in news, television and movies we are being played like a puppet on a string, reacting just how they want us to.

If you marinade yourself in 24/7 rolling news or live your life as part of the Outrage Machine on social media then what you are really doing, energetically, is hitting yourself with a hammer a thousand times a day. The effects on your health – mental, emotional, and physical – may not show themselves for months or years, but I guarantee they will show themselves and you won’t like what you see.

Images and sounds can be uplifting, or they can be debilitating. Again, if you don’t believe me test the opposite. Put on some dark, heavy, depressing music full volume and look at yourself in the mirror, telling yourself over and over again how useless, powerless, and feeble you are. Obviously do not actually do this, but simply understand the effect that you will get. You would create a self-fulfilling prophecy and would come to believe what you tell yourself. Images and sounds that come to us from outside perform the same task. If you want to be healthy and strong you need to eat, listen, and watch things that support this. Any benefit that you might get from eating a superfood Buddha bowl for lunch will be lost if you munch away at it while watching CNN Breaking News…


There is one more thing that is necessary for health and strength. We need to know WHY?

A very cheery and positive chap called Friedrich Nietzsche said, “if you know the why, you can bear almost any how.” In other words, hardship can be endured if we know why we are enduring it. And the why can be found in the idea of LIFE PURPOSE, that every person has an individual and unique reason to be alive, something specific which they have to do, and which is constantly calling them. This LIFE PURPOSE will not be a general thing like, for example “I exist to spread love.” It will be specific like “I exist to spread love in this way to these people about this thing.” Of course, this is where the difficulty begins because the LIFE PURPOSE is almost always hidden in plain sight, right in front of your nose which is why so many of us cannot find it.

The point here is that knowledge of the LIFE PURPOSE is not just nice information to know, to be filed away with all the other information you have about yourself. Knowledge of the LIFE PURPOSE is the fuel that propels you through life. Even the quest, to discover your LIFE PURPOSE acts as a reminder that you have a purpose.

This is vital because we live in times where, for many, life has been stripped of all purpose and meaning. Another cheery and positive chap (and this time I am not joking!) G K Chesterton said, “when people stop believing in God they won’t believe in nothing, they will believe in anything.” Well, he was right, but anything will not do. Anything will not cut it when the chips are down, and the pressure is on...

Your LIFE PURPOSE is a deeply personal thing, no one can tell you what it is, though others can help you to find it. There are many methods which can be used, and this is what I specialise in, but it always begins by asking what are you really and truly interested in? Whatever you are deeply interested in, and not just tickled by, is something that you will be naturally good at. And that is where you begin the quest and when the power of the LIFE PURPOSE starts to show itself.

You will then find it no longer acceptable to eat crap food for dinner because you somehow know, deep down that you shouldn’t.

It will then no longer be worth waiting for the latest Breaking News on the TV because you somehow know that it isn’t going to help you.

It will no longer be right to stay in your current job and glide through to retirement because you somehow know that is not your path.

Internal knowings, like these, flow from knowledge of your LIFE PURPOSE. They are sometimes small, telling you to not make that journey, or to avoid that person, but they are always life saving and life affirming. The power of the LIFE PURPOSE pushes you into the path of people who will be helpful and nudges you away from those who will be damaging. Sure, the LIFE PURPOSE will challenge you, but everything good flows from the LIFE PURPOSE.

It is, above all other things, the ultimate way to HEALTH and STRENGTH.