Numerology of the USA

Those of you who have looked at numerology with me, or who have read The Works of Arthur Norris Volume One or The Secret Language of Numbers will be aware of the method of the Four Roads. This technique enables us to see, from merely a date of birth, 90% of the likely behaviours, characteristics, obstacles, talents, abilities, past, present, and future of any given person. If you have studied this with me you will know how effective it is. Well, a nation is just like a person really; in that it is an independent entity with a date of birth (and a name) and these things can be read to discern that nations character. Astrologers do this through something called mundane astrology, but here’s my numerological take on the past, present, future and nature of the United States of America.

Unlike astrology, numerology does not worry too much about time or place of birth, so the crucial data is that the United States of America was born on 4th July 1776, when the original 13 colonies formally declared their independence from King George III. Critics can argue about the true significance of this date, but the point is that such founding dates, when revered and marked over centuries by millions of people become self-fulfilling prophecies. America was born on the 4th July quite simply because so many people say it is.

Using the Four Roads Calculations we arrive at the following numbers for the USA.

The First Road, the Destiny, is 5 because 4+7+1776 = 1787, 1+7+8+7 = 23, 2+3 = 5.

Second Road, the Approach to the Destiny is 4, from the day.

Third Road, the Ultimate Goal, is 11 because 4+7 = 11 (11 is Master Number, so we don’t add 1+1 to equal 2).

Then the Fourth Road, the Link, is 16/7 because it is the Destiny + the Ultimate Goal, which is 5 + 11 = 16. Standard teaching suggests that we reduce the 16, via 1+6, to 7, but 16 is a Karmic Debt number so in this case I am going to leave it as is.

Now, these four numbers can be summarised as principles and given keywords. This is going to be somewhat of an over-simplification, but then again one man’s over-simplification is another man’s fundamental truths, so here we are:

5 = Freedom

4 = Work

11 = God

16/7 = Calamity

I suggest that both the myth and reality of America is encapsulated in these four words: Freedom, Work, God, and Calamity.

5 shows us that this really is the Land of the Free, and that the idea of freedom runs through the DNA of the nation, pours out like water when you turn the tap (faucet!!) and is added like mustard and ketchup to every meal you eat.

But 5 is also the number of addiction. Only in America would a former First Lady start an alcohol rehabilitation centre and only America would give birth to Alcoholics Anonymous. 5 can also be a very expansionist number, which makes sense when you consider this is the country that meddles more than any other in the affairs of other nations and seeks to export both its goods and culture around the globe.

4 shows us that graft, work, and effort – or belief in the value of those things – are central to the American psyche. 4 is also the number of tradition and order, which speaks to the value placed by large parts of that society on institutions like Thanksgiving, Presidential Elections and the Superbowl. But the dark side of 4 is no joke, for it is the number of restriction, which in its extreme form shows itself as incarceration. America does, after all, have the largest prison population in the world (in total, and pro rata). This number 4 shows us that America says, “these are the rules and if you deviate – BANG”. Despite what some believe this is a problem at the core of what America is, which is shown by the fact that neither Democrats nor Republicans have done much to change it.

11 is a Master Number, the presence of which always reveals extreme forces. In the positive it is the number of God, and this is reflected in the deeply religious character of many parts of America. But religion takes many forms and the tech fundamentalism of parts of Silicon Valley, with their absolute conviction of their own righteousness as they release technologies onto the market which destroy the livelihoods of millions, or as they censor and suppress ordinary folk for expressing themselves on social media is no different than the fundamentalism of the Mormons or the Amish. The way that Wall Street is revered in some quarters is semi-religious, and the Cult of Hollywood demands total adherence from its followers. America is a culture of worship.

But Plato always thought that 11 was an evil number. K is the 11th letter of the alphabet and three elevens make KKK. That is maybe a silly example, but it is indicative of one of many dark undercurrents to American life, sometimes hidden, at other times like now, on show for the world to see. Yet, if we try to be optimistic a well-functioning 11 is a Light, and in that sense America sometimes is, and might still one day be, a shining city on a hill.

But 16/7 is a Karmic Number of catastrophe. There is nothing subtle about the actions of 16/7, and its association with the sixteenth Tarot card, the Tower, ought to give us clues about that. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (the 16th President), the Civil War, Wall Street Crash, Great Depression, Pearl Harbour, Assassination of JFK (himself a Destiny 16/7), RFK and MLK, 9/11 and the events of the present day, these all indicate that when things go wrong in America they go very wrong.

The Four Roads can also be viewed a slightly different way. Imagine that the person (or in this case country) begins their life at the position of the Fourth Road (The Link) and is tasked with travelling via the Destiny and Approach to try to reach the Ultimate Goal. In our case this means that America began, was founded upon, the Karmic number of 16/7 and must work with the energies of 5 and 4 in order to reach its goal of 11. This tells us that America really was founded on an original sin, the 16/7 showing us that there was a fundamental problem of justice and fairness at the heart of America, and that its purpose is to transmute this into a beacon of Light (11) for all the world. How far along this path has America travelled? Some distance yes. All the way? No.

If this this analysis is true, then it means a couple of things.

First, the journey from the Karmic Debt of 16/7 to the Master Number of 11 is long and hard and will only be achieved if the nation is run along spiritual lines. If America tries to be a secular country then it will fall. The number 11 only works when it has a spiritual connection.

Second, it’s a long way down. The distance between a Karmic Debt number (like 16/7) and a Master Number (11) is enormous, meaning that even when America lives up to its highest ideals it is never far from a cliff edge.

Crisis fatigue is going to be a thing in our society, quite soon. There has been so much going on that people are going to become immune to the next catastrophe and fail to take seriously how bad things might get. But the numbers ought to give us pause for thought. America could – I don’t say will but could – fall. Indeed, you could easily make the case that it has already descended into Civil War. Anyone who cheers this needs to get their heads, and hearts examined.

America could be the place where a bright New Age begins. The 11 of its Ultimate Goal shows this, but it could also be smashed to pieces like the Tower (16/7). And for its many faults that will bode ill for all of us, for the power vacuum which forms as a result will be filled by the most totalitarian country on the planet, China. Why people would wish this is happen is beyond me, because for all Americas faults if you want to be largely free to choose what to do and where to go you will be better off in America everyday of the week than in China. It is China that has concentration camps for Muslims, not America. It is China that monitors every move its citizens make and dictates what services they can and cannot access, not America. The numbers tell us that America is a land of extremes, and the evidence for this is clear. But just because it fails to deliver for everyone does this mean that is should be torn down, so it delivers for no-one?

Well, some think so. And for them it all boils down to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is Destiny 22. Do not believe fake numerologists who say he is a 4. Any serious study of numbers will prove beyond doubt that he is a 22, a master number. Now though 11 and 22, as Master numbers, are very different, they are both somewhat otherworldly in that they don’t make sense in an ordinary material everyday kind of way. 11 and 22 people are driven sometimes by intuition but largely by instinct and they always possess enormous reserves of energy and the ability to manifest huge things into being. America (Ultimate Goal 11) could be a beacon of hope to the entire world. Trump (Destiny 22) could transform the face of America, and by extension the world. But the capacity for error in 11 and 22 are vast. When Trump – and America – get it wrong, boy do they get it wrong. But the problem with Trump is that he is more American than apple pie, and that is what people hate about him.

Watching Trump Derangement Syndrome unfold in America has not been enjoyable. This is a real condition where Trump could pass an executive order to put $100,000 in the pocket of every single American and he would be hauled before a Grand Jury accused of bribing the electorate. The opposition to him has now descended into pure insanity, based not on the fact that he is wrong (he often is) but on the fact that he is bad. In fact, scratch that, not bad they say, but evil. Yet this makes no sense for if he is literally Hitler then why hasn’t he put down the rioters – who have now been at it for over 100 days? The anti-Trump message has lost all grip on reality and its supporters face the prospect of delivering exactly the outcome they most fear – his re-election.

A few days before the 2016 election I got myself into the deepest possible meditative state I could manage and tried to enquire as to the election result. I saw, as clear as day, that Trump would win. I opened my eyes, struggled to believe it and went to my computer. I logged onto Facebook and wrote “Trump Wins. There I said it.” But then I hesitated and deleted the words, in the end posting nothing at all. You only have my word for that, but I promise you its true. And what is also true is the that very day after the election I was utterly convinced that he would be re-elected in 2020. The landscape is very different now and there is no doubt in my mind that in a free and fair election he would win again. But the fix is in, and every trick in the book is being lined up to de-legitimise the votes cast for him. Whatever you think about him this strategy can only end in tears for America and the world. What we are witnessing is a group of people intent on casting one man into the abyss but who will, because they neither care about nor understand the nature of the country they live in, cast the whole nation into the abyss in the process. The danger is real.

Make no mistake, Trump is a deeply flawed individual and America a deeply flawed country, with an original sin of injustice which has not yet been completely wiped away. But the way in which everything is now about being anti-Trump is a recipe for Civil War, a war which will deliver precisely none of the what the protestors claim to want to see. America is today standing on the edge of cliff and if it falls the world goes down with it. In that scenario social justice, systemic bias and economic inequality will be the least of the protestor’s concerns.

America matters because freedom matters. More and more I find that those who sneer at freedom are the ones who fear using it. But it is only through freedom that any of us can lead a full or complete life. Freedom, even when relative and set within bounds, has not been the story of humanity. For most of history, most people, black and white, lived in either serfdom, servitude, or slavery. It is only a recent innovation of modern times to even imagine that individuals could have any kind of rights, and though that all started in Britain with the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 it only really got going in America, after it declared independence. The fact that Americans use this freedom to do things that Europeans don’t like – such as forcefully speaking their mind - or don’t understand – like owning guns – really only demonstrates how un-free the rest of the world has become. And if America falls – and be super clear about this please, it might – then the light of freedom goes out with it. Many, of course, will not notice this, and even fewer will care, but if you think Trump is bad then wait until someone with a nicer, neater hairstyle comes along and takes what’s left of your freedom away, for your own good of course. Over-reaction, surely? But hasn’t 2020 shown us that the unthinkable is something that is simply waiting for us around the corner…