This is the Right Time

Someone asked me the other day how they should best cope with the latest round of shocking events on Planet Earth 2020. I knew her quite well, so I jokingly said “You are ringside at the Fall of Rome. Enjoy it!” She did not laugh, which I suppose was fair enough. So I explained that what I meant was events – though they may seem interesting and important - are not where the action really is…

This is true because one of the great illusions is that our life is made for us by others. I know that it seems like this, and there was once a time when I would have sworn that it was this. But the reality is that a great many of the things that happen in our lives are brought about by our own choices – conscious and unconscious, this life and past life. We create the life that we have because we need it, in order to learn…

Karma – which is what I am describing – is one of the oldest of all human ideas and sits at the very heart of spiritual development. I know that it can be a difficult topic, not least because it cannot be proved or perceived with our five senses. But if you are doing spiritual work – as well as if you aren’t – it’s an issue that you will sooner or later face.

Our actions, or lack of actions, in one life cause us to choose to incarnate in the next life at certain places and times in order that we may do what we did not do before (or sometimes in order that we do not do what we did before!) Sometimes we have to pay back, other times we might pay forward, but always the possibilities in this life are influenced by the actions of our previous life. Karma is one of the strongest forces in the world and when you start to examine your own karma you see that it explains so much…

But there is the problem. Though you can be guided, only YOU can examine it, for yourself. Only YOU can look in the mirror and work on yourself, spot your patterns, notice your own bad behaviours and resolve your own issues. No-one can pretend to have done it, and you can’t fool the Universe that you’ve done it when you haven’t. If you are working on your own personal karma your life gets better. If you aren’t then your life gets worse. It’s actually terrifyingly simple…

Of course, it’s not entirely about the individual. There is group karma, certainly there is national karma and there is global human race karma as well. But it all starts and ends by looking in the mirror. And the Universe wants to help you in this task, by setting up highly personal situations which bring the necessary learning to you in ways that only you can see. Karmic resolution and growth are possible. You just have to stay clear of distractions and keep your eyes peeled…

Incidentally if karma was more widely known and understood war and conflict would end tomorrow. A US Marine, just as an example, would not be so quick to shoot up a village in Afghanistan if he knew that this meant that he would have to be on the receiving end of the same next time round. Think about this and I’m sure you will be able to make sense of a lot of what happens in the world….

According to the English mystic Dion Fortune, each time we reincarnate we do so with a particular mission, which may be broken down in four ways.

First our Soul – the bit of us that travels from life to life - will wish to gain certain knowledge. Not knowledge that is certain, but knowledge that is specific, not just any old amount of random knowledge, but specific knowledge about particular things. Any other knowledge that we happen to gain in life is a bonus, so long as the prime objective of gaining the specific knowledge is attained. If random knowledge is gained that we did not specifically require then that might be deemed, from a higher perspective, to have been a waste of time. There’s so many things we can study and learn about, but not all of them are worthwhile. What subjects are you really into? However crazy they are, pursue them…

Next, our Soul seeks to gain certain abilities, and this will show in the person as a pre-disposition toward certain things. For example, if our Soul wishes to learn how to play the piano then this will be evident in our childhood from early on, or at least it will be for those who care to look. Interests reveal ability. If you are interested in something you will be good at it, and it is therefore worth doing…

Third, our Soul needs to mature, so it needs to develop certain character traits, such as, for example, resourcefulness, thoughtfulness, discipline or compassion. The list of possible character traits is endless, and we will nudge ourselves into the necessary life experiences in order that those traits may be developed. What we need to do will probably be outside our comfort zone, but that’s called growth…

Finally, our Soul will begin this incarnation at a certain frequency or vibration, wishing to attain a different vibration by the end of the life. We may experience other vibrations along the way, but our Ultimate Goal is to reach a particular vibration and allow that to dominate. This vibration will strongly determine the condition that we begin our next life at. It is not always a matter of achieving a higher vibration, but a new one, one we have not experienced before. Numerology can advise on this…

The idea is that we each selected our four things willingly, not randomly or just for fun, as the next stage of our cosmic curriculum, and that our situation in this life and the next will be determined by how we get on with our four tasks.

All this is made more difficult by the existence of Free Will, our ability to do whatever TF we like. But Free Will, though real enough in the moment, is a far weaker force than Karma. We can say no to accomplishing our four tasks all day long if we like. But we will find that our life just gets worse and worse…

What else do we need to know in order to get these four tasks done?

Well, first, to repeat because it is so important - only you can do it. Even where numerology or others can help, you still have to do the work…

Second, you cannot wait for the world because the world is waiting for you. There will be no healing and no peace until individual karma starts to get resolved and Soul Missions are accomplished, one by one…

And third, most important of all - you already know! You already know what you came here for. Of course, you don’t know that you know because other things have got in the way. But that is when our best friend, the peaceful and calm year called 2020 comes in. Because by stirring everything up we each have an opportunity to change in ways that were not previously possible. For some of us the opportunity is being offered, for others it has been forced, but either way it is a chance to do life differently, to reset and think about what you really want. What do you want? What do you love? What do you want rid of? Of course, you must plan any moves carefully, think about them in detail, find out the costs and investigate things thoroughly. Certainly don’t rush, but equally there will be no better time than this to commit to a change, even if it takes months or years to fully manifest. As the great philosopher Lisa Stansfield so wisely said, this is the right time…