The Rise of the 11

Last week was all about the imminent end of the disruptive and transformative 22, this week it’s all about the ups and downs of the other Master Number, 11.

Our civilisation has been moving to the rhythm of 22 for many centuries, and that playlist has now culminated with the absurd, over-the-top track called ‘2020’. But for some years now the Cosmic DJ has been fading in a new sound, the groove of the 11, and throughout the rest of the century this will come to be the dominant beat.

People born on the 11th or 29th of any month have a little of this 11 groove about them, as do all those people whose first name begins with K (the 11th letter of the English alphabet). When a date of birth adds up to 11 (Destiny number) then we have large scoops of 11. Such people are sensitive, spiritually inclined, inspirational, and can be a bright light of love in the world – if they are in a good mood. If they are in a bad mood, or their sensitivity is hurting them, they can become moody, over-emotional, ungrounded, disconnected from reality, fearful, angry, self-destructive, or even fanatical. 11 is THE number of spiritual connection but it is a BIG energy for any one person to handle. Therefore 11 people must be rooted in reality, which means that they must attend to the mundane matters of tying their own shoe laces, loading their own dishwasher, getting a job (and then holding onto it), earning their own money, paying their own debts and learning how to make decisions they can be proud of. 11 people can be woefully deficient in these areas, because the truth is, they aren’t interested in them. Yet they need to be, for their own sake…

But beyond the mundane, what 11 people really need is a worthwhile, reliable, spiritual connection. Without this they will often wonder about the point of life and may direct their vast energies into surrogate activities which make them feel good, but which don’t actually do any good.

11 is a Master Number, and 11 people always exert more of an impact on those around them than they think they do. But what kind of impact? A positive and creative one, or a chaotic and destructive one? With 11 it could be either. Even 11’s who believe themselves to be soft and gentle will, if they are honest with themselves, admit that still waters run deep and that they don’t always feel either soft or gentle.

In numerology the Personal Year describes the vibration that is current at any given time of your life. It’s like a weather forecast, and it goes in cycles. Personal Year 1 is followed by Personal Year 2, which is followed by 3, and then 4 and so on and so on until 9 is then once again followed by 1. Or at least that is how it used to go – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and round again to 1. This would give everyone a chance to experience the lessons of independence (1), followed by the lessons of gentle intuition (2), followed by the lessons of communication (3) and so on. But once we passed the year 2000 all that changed and everyone, without exception, now gets to experience a Personal Year 11 once every 9 years. This means that everyone, without exception, gets to dance to the wild, emotional groove of 11, whether they like it or not.

But there’s more, because more 11 people are being born now than ever before in history. Partly this is because there are more people being born full stop, but it is also to do with the fact that there are now, since 2000, more dates that add up to 11. Broadly speaking, in the West at least, there is almost no-one over 50 whose date of birth adds to 11 and very few 11’s between the ages of 40 and 50. But in the under 20’s there are loads of 11’s. This is one factor which accounts for the increasing tension between the generations, the young are not only speaking a different language but to some extent living in a different world.

Yet still there’s more because there are now also more Universal Years that add to 11. In the 20th century we only had two Universal Year 11’s - in 1901 (the death of Queen Victoria) and 1910 (the death of King Edward VII). In the 21st century we will have ten, one every decade – 2009, 2018, 2027, 2036, 2045, 2054, 2063, 2072, 2081, 2090. This is not a random fact. It means something big…

As the energy of the 22 – building and changing things – disappears from our world, so the energy of 11 – building and changing people – grows stronger. But beware, for the last time this happened we had the Crusades of the 11th and 12th centuries, and the time before that we had the Crisis of the Third Century where the very existence of the Roman Empire was threatened by plague, wars, economic crises, migration and barbarian uprisings. Sound familiar? It should.

Maybe things can be different this time. If they are going to be then it will be in the hands of the 11’s. So for all the 11’s you know, those born on the 11th or 29th, those whose date of birth adds to 11, those who (if you have studied numerology with me) have any of their Four Roads as 11, those in a Personal Year 11 (birthday and birth month plus the year in question), everyone during a Universal Year 11 (2027, 2036 etc..) and everyone whose first name begins with K then it’s down to you. You are going to need some help. And the only real help that is worth anything to an 11 comes in the shape of God.

The G-word is, even in so-called spiritual circles, not always welcome. It is too easy to read the word God but hear the word Church, for at least in the West God has been traditionally approached through Christianity. But the reality is that both the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England are now the last places you will find God. Some Christians even think this. Whatever these institutions once were they now merely preach Churchianity, the doctrine of institutional survival above all else, which offers nothing to those who seek a life of meaning and purpose. New Age spirituality is sometimes scarcely any better, with its glorification of the self and – for the most part – its stone-cold insistence that God be called by any name other than its own. Say Source, the Universe, the Cosmos, the Gods, Goddesses, Spirit, even say Cosmic DJ if you like, for according to much of the New Age you can say whatever word you like, so long as you never say God. I do not hold with this. The word God is powerful for a reason…

There is much more about this in my forthcoming book – Soul Strong – but essentially the value of God can be boiled down to the fact that there is something bigger, and more important, than you and I, and that God (a power not a person) is NOT the Body, NOT the Mind and NOT the Feelings.

11 people, above all others, can make this God connection. But the stronger the Light, the stronger the Darkness. Because 11 is the number of emotion, it is also the number of emotional incontinence. Because it is the number of balance, it is also the number of imbalance and because it is the number of God it is also the number of all those who oppose God. 11 can therefore easily become the number of extremism and intolerance, and you only have to look around the world to see how those forces strengthening, every day. Once upon a time the 11 expressed itself through the Crusades. Now, you can pick from any one of a multitude of extremist movements, all of which possess a fanatical intolerance of anyone who does not kneel before their ideology. Many of today’s popular movements are Crusade-like…

The two 1’s that make up the 11 are important if we want to understand this intolerance. Many 11’s claim to be inclusive non-discriminatory types, but in reality this is the ultimate number of ‘othering’, seen in the ‘1’ who projects all their own unresolved fear and resentment onto the other ‘1’. Here, again, the solution is God, the force which enables us to see that not everything that happens to us is about us.

One of my predictions for this new time of the 11 is that it will eventually become obvious that science and technology are simply incapable of answering the real questions of life. Such is the awe in which science and technology are still held that this prediction may take a while to come true. But it will, and when it does God will make a comeback. We will see this in individuals who cultivate their own personal God relationship in their own way, borrowing from other established practices or perhaps inventing their own. Clearly this has been happening for a while, but I expect it to accelerate throughout the rest of this century. Some will continue to mistake God for religion and others will insist on worshipping at the altars of made-up religions like Marxism. Such is life, in order to learn what to do we often have to first learn what not to do…

This is all big picture stuff of course, bigger than any individual lifetime, and it is sometimes hard to discern the changing of the seasons when you are stuck indoors, busy with life’s problems. The rule of the 11 could bring a more beautiful, spiritually orientated world. If not, it will simply bring more and more polarisation. If it’s polarisation then those who appreciate God will become more prominent while and those who hate God will become more vocal. Pro-vaxxers will fight against anti-vaxxers, free speech will battle with censorship, and democracy will struggle with authoritarianism. Those who are pro-choice will not just disagree with but hate those who are pro-life, and in all areas of dispute and discussion the middle ground of nuance, subtlety and compromise will fall away, leaving those on the dancefloor of 11 with a choice or whether to get down to the new groove, or stand and scream at the DJ. Though science and technology will be pushed as the answer to all our ills - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – for every problem solved two more will be created two more and nothing of real importance will be addressed. Indeed, science and technology may turn out to be more effective tools of oppression than religion ever was. But even that will not last forever…

The craziness will end when enough people rediscover the meaning and purpose of their existence. The ‘ONE LIFE, LIVE IT’ crowd have nothing to offer here, for I know of no other way to establish meaning and purpose than through God. The time of the 11 has been long in preparation and will soon be birthed, offering new ways for people to live in harmony with themselves, the planet and each other, which won’t rely on the fear doctrine of Churchianity, the narrow and closed worlds of Science and Technology or the deceptions of the New Age.

Photo by Brandi Ibrao on Unsplash