Do not forget to breathe

As mask wearing becomes a part of the ‘new normal’ we must not forget to breathe.

And by that, I mean breathe properly.

Many people’s breathing is very shallow, as if they are almost gasping for air. Think about this. How deeply do you breathe?

The benefits of deeper breathing include better overall health, as well as heightened awareness. Better breathing also lessens the risk of us making poor, impulsive or reactive decisions, because it helps us to slow down… As with most things in the spiritual realm, this matter can be approached very simply and easily….

There are as many kinds of breathing techniques as there are grains of sand on the beach, probably. But here are three that I have worked with successfully over the years.

The golden rule with all breath-work is not to force anything, ever. At all times we should breathe normally...


When we take time to notice our breathing, we may realise that we are breathing from our chest. So that is where the change should begin. Rather than the in- and out-breaths causing a rise and fall in our chest, make the rise and fall appear in our stomach. On the in-breath expand the belly, and on the out-breath flatten the belly. Because this is the opposite of what most of us do it may feel, at first, rather strange. It certainly will not look very attractive, and the movement of the belly may also be jerky at first. But if, eventually, the in- and out-breaths can be slow and smooth, deep from the stomach, then the benefit will be felt.

Simply set aside five minutes every day to practice belly breathing and you will soon feel the benefit.

4-fold breathing (sometimes called box-breathing)

Breathe IN slowly and deeply for a count of 4.

HOLD for 4.

OUT for 4.

EMPTY for 4.

Repeat 4 times. Easy.

This one introduces the organised and structured energy of 4-ness into your being, something which all spiritual seekers need from time to time.

Sun-Moon breathing

Hold your nose closed with your thumb and finger.

Keep the right nostril closed while you lift your finger away from the left nostril.

Breathe in slowly and deeply for a count of 10.

Replace the finger over the left nostril and hold for 10.

Remove the thumb from the right nostril only.

Breathe out slowly for 10.

Hold your position and count to 10 again.

Breathe back into the right nostril for 10.

Put your thumb over your right nostril to close it and hold for 10.

Open your life nostril and exhale for 10.

That is one round. Repeat two three times, aiming for the process to become as smooth as possible. If a count of 10 is too much, start with 5.

This exercise helps to balance the active/passive energies within you.

Some will already know about these techniques, but many will not, and others will have forgotten or overlooked them in their eagerness to progress further. The key here is to pick one of the techniques and work with it. Deepening the breath, slowing the breath, balancing the breath, without forcing or straining anything; that is what this is all about. Of course, going more deeply, this is not really about the breath at all, but about Chi, the energy force that penetrates and enlivens all things. But that is another story, contained in my forthcoming book, Soul Strong…

In keeping with last times message of uniqueness, take this information and go your own way with it. But there is an old adage “use it or lose it”. This applies to many things in life, and if we do not use our lungs to their fullest capacity then they may not be there when we really need them.

Final thought: In the Northern Hemisphere we are now plunged into winter so keeping our Vitamin D levels up can only be done via food or supplements. But you might also consider visualising the prime source of Vitamin D, the Sun, and drawing its golden healing rays into you, particularly into your mouth and throat before allowing them to disperse throughout your entire body. Even a few minutes a day would be beneficial. Using Tarot card number XIX, The Sun, as a reference point for this may be helpful. If the Sun energy takes on the form of multi-coloured rays, a man with a bird’s head or even the Christ then so much the better. But if it is just rays of Light that will work wonderfully too. As usual, do not force or strain anything. If you cannot visualise then imagine. If you cannot imagine then pretend. Either way simply recognise that physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing comes to those who take their fill of the vast and beneficial power of the Sun, the force that sustains life on Earth.

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash