From Monarchy to Democracy and Beyond. Part 3

Welcome to the last part of this detailed look at the ongoing disintegration of the West, with particular reference to America, France and Britain. If these articles have induced fear then please try to balance that with the greater awareness that they have given you. After all it is what you don’t know that gets you. Please make sure to catch up with the previous instalments for the whole picture, and to read my book The Key to Time for even more.

We are alive during the end of the Kali Yuga (see previous blog for deep background), a period of increasingly visible degeneration and accelerating collapse. People, slow to perceive their own shortcomings (though quick to perceive the shortcomings of others) cannot easily square themselves with the reality of this decline and fall, so they have constructed a matrix in which to live where they can spin themselves all sorts of fictions about their own nature and the condition of the world around them. The dominant narrative of this unreal matrix is that of progress. So you have the reality of the world – decline and fall – butting heads with the lie that we tell ourselves about progress and improvement. It is on this battlefield, where truth wrestles with fiction, that we all live our lives.

From time to time glimpses of the truth of life can be found. If you know what you are doing these can be seen in the movements of the planets (astrology), the turning of cards (Tarot) and in the source code of all existence, numbers (numerology). Other less structured methods are also available, and all human beings, whether they connect with these sources or not, have moments in their life where the veil slips and truth appears to them.

The central problem is that the lie is very deep and the matrix very strong. This means that even when we do manage to see the way things really are then we fall back, very quickly afterwards, into our default state of illusion. Conspiracy theorists should take note here: the first step upon awakening is to escape the matrix, the second step is often to fall back into it again, and the third is to believe yourself enlightened when in reality you are deeper in the lie than you ever were before. We easily fall back into the matrix, and become immersed once again in the lie, because it is so damn attractive! The lie is that human life on earth progresses and improves, whereas the truth is that it merely changes. The way to make things better for yourself is to see the lie and step out of it…

As we decline further and fall faster so the lie – that the decline you are witnessing with your own eyes must be called progress – is repeated more and more, until everything becomes inverted. This is happening right now, in obvious as well as subtle ways. We saw it during Covid when God-given personal freedom was curtailed by authoritarian governments under the pretence of helping others. Obvious examples of decline – the removal of children from education, the loss of personal autonomy, the biggest transfer of wealth in human history, the forced separation of loved ones – was re-classified, within the matrix, as progress. Things which were clearly damaging and destructive were reframed simply as the responsible and ethical things to do. This is the nature of the Kali Yuga, and the attraction of the lie of progress. Within the Kali Yuga it will always be more appealing, for most people, to live the lie, rather than deal with the truth. And the truth is that our civilisation is in terminal decline. It is however, most definitely possible to exit the matrix, one step at a time.

In a long-term decline, things don’t go vertically all the way down, all the time. There are bound to be periods, up-phases, where it looks like the lie might even be true. Many of us have lived through one of those periods, very roughly from the end of the Second World War until 9/11. That period was, for most, one of growth and expansion where we could either experience good times or have the promise of them to come. And although some of us undoubtedly did very well out of it, it was, in the end, a fiction, and with the arrival of the new millennium the decline and the fall became more apparent, to more and more people. The fact that I can even write this, and it be read by thousands, is proof positive that the fabric of the lie is tearing in all sorts of places. The lie, the matrix, the illusion of progress, is a pyramid scheme that relies on more and more recruits in order to keep its show on the road. So, though this article may be well read, it will also generate pushback and ridicule. This is exactly what we would expect at the end of the Kali Yuga.

Democracy – one pillar of the illusion of progress – will, said Socrates, via Plato, always land up in mob-rule. And mob rule can only be followed by one thing, dictatorship. The pattern is clear from history. As democracy degenerates, and people get sick to death of being unable to go about their daily business without interference, they will always turn to a strong leader who promises to straighten things out. This is why the biggest enablers of the coming authoritarian rule, those who are pushing dictatorship closer and closer are the biggest believers of all in progress, the activists.

Extinction Rebellion. Animal Rebellion. Insulate Britain. Just Stop Oil. BLM. All of these, and more, are enablers of dictatorship. Either they will be the dictators themselves, so flushed are they with their own sense of righteousness, or they will produce a hard-line response which will bring in dictatorship from the other end of the political spectrum. And if it happens know, for sure, that it was these progressive zealots who held the door wide open for it. Every time I see reports of traffic jams, smashed up businesses, missed appointments and worse, as a result of progress-worshipping protestors I count off more converts to the need for a dictatorship to ‘put an end to this’. This is not my belief, but it is what I see, and it is incredible to me how others cannot see this, but that is also the nature of the Kali Yuga and the strength of the lie of progress. Things cannot be made better by people who are themselves broken, and in fact such people, because of their brokenness, only ever make matters worse. And be in no doubt about it, many of these activist types are broken to their very core.

One sign of this brokenness is the idea that things should, can and must be constantly updated and improved. This charade, which sits at the heart of the lie of progress, is baked into the cake of our civilisation. We have long believed, and increasingly without thinking very much about it, that things should, can and must get better all the time. We have believed, through technological, ethical and social progress, that people will live longer, healthier and more prosperous lives, and it’s only those straight white men and their outdated systems of inequality that get in the way of the inevitable utopia. It’s all very attractive, but it’s a fiction. Things don’t get better, they merely change, and that is good enough, if we can learn from those changes. And we often learn more when the changes are hard, than when they are easy. But in the Kali Yuga most people refuse to see this and will be happy to conspire in the ongoing attempt to expand the human race into oblivion.

The planet Pluto then comes along, every now and again, to open a window to truth. It does this by destroying societies that have become too deranged, and by shattering systems that have become too detached from reality, in our case mired in the illusion of progress. Of course, one person’s destruction is someone else’s transformation, but whatever you call the actions of Pluto they will always be deeply disturbing and challenging to those who depend on the matrix for their survival.

The main Pluto Return dates – when the furthest planet from the Sun returns to the position it held at the birth of that nation - are as follows, and although this article is mainly about the societies that are most deeply implicated in spreading the lie of progress – America, France and Britain – the transformative energies of Pluto will be felt everywhere. Though these are the years when Pluto hits exact, things will start to get weird twenty years, or more, beforehand. How long it takes to clean up, after the date of the return, is unknown. Remember we are already in 2023!

USA (ongoing, right now)

Switzerland (2027)

Thailand (2028)

France (2036)

UK (2044)

Mexico (2054)

Argentina (2061)

Costa Rica, El Salvador and Greece (all 2065)

The Netherlands (2070)

Belgium and Venezuela (2074)

Now, it is additionally worth noting the presence of the 11-year Sunspot cycle, which tends to bring a peak in human excitability. Recent peak years for this were 1957 (aftermath of Suez crisis and formation of the EEC, forerunner of the EU), 1968 (student demonstrations across USA and France, assassination of RKF and MLK, Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia), 1979 (Iranian Revolution and election of Margaret Thatcher), 1990 (German reunification, poll tax riots in UK, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait), 2001 (9/11) and 2012 (Sandy Hook massacre, Greek government debt crisis). Right now, 2023 is a peak in the cycle, as will be 2034 (close to the French Pluto Return) and 2045 (close to the UK Pluto Return).

It’ll play out differently in different countries, but overall the 2000’s will be, as I reckoned in The Key to Time, the Century of Judgement, where the 20th Tarot card reveals the direction of our world. And the message should be obvious, we are being judged. We are unfairly judging each other, while the Divine correctly judges us. Of course, if you live in the matrix it is easy to disregard all this, and double down on your belief that progress will make everything better, and that we just need to get rid of all those who stand in its way and life will be good again. But the forces that are running things – not the Illuminati or the World Economic Forum, but the ones who are really in charge – they will carry on doing their thing. In other words the decline and fall will continue. The only questions are can you see it, or would you rather not? And if you do see it, what are you going to do about it? Remember, escape is possible…

Every single one of us has a responsibility here, for we have all conspired in the lie, the deceit that through more technology, more economic growth, more social justice, more equality, more fairness, more welfare payments, more, more, more of everything, that life would get better. But in practice all this has meant is that Google, the organisation who laughably told us ‘Don’t be evil’, has been empowered to construct a Digital God.

This is the problem with progress. Its believers always harp on about equality, justice and human rights while failing to see that such ideals always degenerate, in practice, into new forms of tyranny, discrimination and oppression. It cannot be any other way in the Kali Yuga, a time when most people are no longer informed by spiritual values. History shows us that every attempt to organise society, without being guided by spiritual principles, has been a disaster. Humanist, modern, progressive leaders – whether they be Monarchs, Presidents, Prime Ministers or Chancellors – are all anti-spiritual. They exist within and for the matrix. The situation is no different for Silicon Valley Kings, Tech Overlords and the Billionaires class. The power that all these people exercise, supposedly on our behalf, will always ultimately, because it is illegitimate non-spiritual power, descend into tyranny. It makes no difference whether the party colours of a particular political candidate are blue, red, yellow, orange, green or teal. It matters not whether the King is as British as fish and chips from the House of Windsor, or whether he is in fact as German as Holstein Pils from the House of Saxe-Coburg Gotha. It matters not whether your Silicon Valley employer generously buses you to and from work, prepares your dinner, does your dry cleaning and donates millions to ‘protect democracy’. All of these institutions are corrupt because they enforce the lie of progress, with power which they have stolen and have no right to hold. This is another mark of the Kali Yuga, where spiritual power, the only power that really counts, is temporarily eclipsed by matrix power. Within such a materialistic system, optimism is cowardice, and the belief in progress is delusional. Exiting the lie is the only way to make things better…

In Britain the monarchy was some kind of bulwark against all this, which I why I have, in the past, been a monarchist (not a royalist), but in the advanced stages of the Kali Yuga, amid an approaching Pluto Return, this institution grows weaker every day. And that is why things will collapse in the coming decades, because a spiritual void has formed at the very heart of our society, a black hole that cannot be replaced by faster internet speeds, more vaccinations, greater equality, improved access to healthcare and increased education. Even a High Magic Coronation isn’t enough, and within such a society it is no longer appropriate to talk about the looming crisis because we are already situated within the collapse, it is going on around us right now, and it won’t be stopped until there is a spiritual – not political, economic or social – revolution, where enough people say no to the lie.

Though such a time is coming, there are still many adherents to the dying cult of progress, many souls for whom liberation and healing remain distant, and we should expect many of them to continue to distract themselves away from truth and reality on the stage of politics and social justice activism. These theatres are where traumatised and unhealed souls perform. In the same way that a musician or artist externalises their feelings and thoughts into a song or painting, so activists and politicians do the same, all with the objective of keeping their own gaze, as well as the gaze of others, far away from the truth. If we were charitable we might say that by doing this they are experiencing the first stage of healing. But in this case the first stage of healing is avoidance, and their process does nothing to help anyone else. Progress Cultists have never heard the words, “he who is without sin cast the first stone”, and it shows.

This is a problem because their anti-spirituality means that the only change they can create is in their own warped image. Political activist organisations like Facebook, Twitter and Google (and make no mistake that is what they now are) facilitate all this, acting as hives where these broken and unhealed souls distract themselves from reality by role playing at ‘changing the world’ without, they think, having to lift a finger to change themselves. This is the nature of the Clown World of Progress in which we now live, and it is playing out with the collapse of three major societies, America, France and Britain, as well as a number of smaller ones.

The prime tool of the matrix, the idea of progress, is a twisted mirror, and only once you shatter that mirror can you make any sense out of life. In the meantime, this twisted mirror causes people to interpret everything good as bad and everything bad as good. That’s what the Kali Yuga does, and Pluto Returns destabilise things further, leading you to believe that so long as your external, material, physical world can be fixed then everything, internally that is going on with you, will be fine. Of course, this is not the case, because nothing improves until you do.

In the meantime, in the Clown World of Progress, the solid will continue to be disintegrated and liquefied, the previously powerful brought low, established institutions undermined, centuries old norms dismantled, the weak glorified and the clever redefined as stupid. And all this must happen if the pyramid-scheme called progress is to continue, but even that will not be enough, for the most fundamental realities – those of man and woman – must also be destroyed if the machine of progress is to roll on.

I am all about uniqueness, and my whole world view is built upon the fact that everyone is different. But it is no more possible to be born in the wrong body than it is to be born in the wrong century. We are born in particular places, at particular times, and in particular bodies, for a reason, largely related to the karma incurred from previous lives. No mistake has therefore been made so there is nothing that can be ‘fixed’. A man can no more become a woman, or a woman become a man than I can strap on a pair of wings, flap my arms and become a bird. To believe otherwise reveals a disconnection from the soul. The fundamental realities of man and woman are not material and biological, but energetic and magical. Women are, in energetic and magical terms, creatures of the Moon, while men are creatures of the Sun, and my late teacher Arthur was adamant that the rule of men was over. Numerologically he explained this via the digit shift from years beginning with 1 (1066, 1453, 1782, 1945, 1997 etc) to years beginning with 2. From an esoteric viewpoint, the future is female, however - and this is important - this will not make either women or men any happier, because women, just like men, can be double-faced. We have probably all heard of the Divine Feminine, but there is also such a thing as the Demonic Feminine.

Everybody, especially women, knows that there exists a certain kind of woman who does nothing but take. She says all the right words, but at her core she is emotionally disregulated, unreliable, untrustworthy, deeply loving of herself but deeply resentful and jealous of others. She may be in touch with her body, but she is disconnected from her soul, possessing an inflated sense of her own talents and abilities. She undermines colleagues, does not support friends, is entitled, lacks self-awareness, never takes responsibility, refuses to be accountable for her actions, feeds on drama, makes everything about her and drains the life from those around her. She is no friend of other women, and she is toxic to men. This is the Demonic Feminine, and she has always existed, but because society is now so immersed in the matrix, her ever increasing manifestation in our world is called progress, which leavers her appalling behaviour unchallenged.

The Demonic Feminine is dangerous because she has cut herself off from her Heart. Here I use the word as Martin Lings did, in The Eleventh Hour (2002), with a deliberate capital H. The Heart is where the highest human faculty resides. It is where the Soul is rooted, and it is the location of the bridge between humanity and God. But it is not the four chambered mass in the middle of the chest. The Heart is not a bodily thing, it is not in the heart. So, when people talk about connecting to their heart centre, do they mean heart, or do they mean Heart? The capital-H Heart provides the ability to go beyond oneself, to transcend the material and encounter the Divine. But the heart, with a lower-case h, gets involved with temporary, passing feelings and easily becomes home to demons and dragons. Those who live from the capital-H Heart can love unconditionally and, if necessary, set their own needs aside. But those locked up in the heart with a lower-case h, never can. In people ruled by the heart with a lower-case h, the intuition which enables expansion and connection is shunned in favour of ideologies, beliefs and systems which reinforce and protect the ego, and the person moves from the vibration of love to the vibration of fear, rapidly tumbling further downwards from there. This is how the Demonic Feminine (as well as the Demonic Masculine) are born.

It is crucial to understand here that I am not talking about those women who are simply mean, cruel, moody or have a bad temper. Nor am I talking about looks, appearance, or age. And I am certainly not talking about women I don’t like, because my personal feelings have nothing to do with this. I am instead talking about whether their essential nature is Heart or heart centred, and therefore whether they are creative or destructive, cooperative or controlling, supportive or undermining, reflexively disagreeable and confrontational or willing to empathise by placing themselves in other people’s shoes.

This Demonic Feminine is an archetype which can be embodied by many different people, and as it becomes more prevalent a number of consequences can be easily foreseen.

First, this Demonic Feminine will often claim to be acting for the benefit of others. She will talk almost exclusively of the collective or the community, and rarely, if ever, will she consider individuals (except for herself). This seemingly compassionate language will make her hard to spot. She may use the language of healing but possess little appetite for self-improvement or introspection, preferring instead to play the blame game by reclassifying all her own, self-induced issues as the fault of others.

Second, she will hate men, and this will not just affect men, but also her fellow women, who, as her influence spreads, will find it harder and harder to find good men to be friends, lovers or partners. Because she wants it both ways she will simultaneously despise men, yet behave like the worst of them. It will be just as the pioneering feminist Simone de Beauvoir observed,

“Whenever a woman acts like a man she never acts like a nice man.”

Third, she may sometimes manifest as a he. This means she may present as rather masculine, or identify as a man, or be a man identifying as a woman, or simply be a man without a centre. Either way there will be a rejection of the fundamental and magical feminine-masculine polarity, and this will generate only chaos. Naturally, this will, of course, be presented as progress, and her contribution to the public square be lauded as a ‘step forward’. We have had many examples of this in the public eye in recent years and although America swerved the rule of one of them in November 2016 the ensuing chaos in that nation is at least partly the responsibility of the Demonic Feminine who lost, as well as those who cheered her on. Oh, and in case I wasn’t clear a few minutes ago, denial of the fundamental feminine-masculine polarity which rests at the heart of all life is another marker of civilisational collapse. People are free to identify as, act in accordance with, or believe themselves to be, whatever they like, and those choices should be given respect. Everyone is free to be attracted to, and form relationships with, anyone, or no-one, or more than one. But humans cannot change sex, and any society that claims that they can has long passed its sell by date.

Fourth, she will bring to life her opposite, the Demonic Male, who deals in the currency of hyper-masculinity, the kind of alpha-bro, Wolf of Wall Street materialistic energy that always chooses ego, violence and destruction over compromise, connection and peace.

There are many more consequences yet to unfold from the increased prominence of this Demonic Feminine. Within this new regime there will be winners and losers. Some men will benefit, though many more men will suffer. Some women will reap the harvest, while others will suffer the whirlwind. But in the bigger picture you can expect that the Demonic Feminine will have no time for democracy and will play the lead role in ushering us into a post-monarchical, post-democratic, globalised, post-national system. This process has, of course, already begun.

This energetic difference between the Heart and the heart defines our existence. Rockets into space looks like a phallic, male phenomenon, but it is actually a heart-centred activity, in the lower-case h sense of the word, as are wars between competing interests. Making more and more money, where it occurs to the exclusion of all else, whether practiced by men or women, is a lower-case h heart-centred phenomenon. But connection, spirituality and co-operation, these are Heart with a capital-H centred activities. In the coming years the hounds of hell will be unleashed as the old Demonic Masculine order fights a rear-guard action against the new Demonic Feminine order. The Demonic Masculine exits and then we meet the new boss, same as the old boss, the Demonic Feminine. Nothing gets better – and many things get even worse – because, and this is the crucial bit, the rulership of the world, though shifting from men to women, is still demonic.

Of course, in daily life there are many confusions and grey areas where it will be very hard to see the line between these two things. The Divine Feminine will be present, but she won’t rule for a long time yet, just as the Divine Masculine has always been present but has barely, if ever, held power. There will be no peace until the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine rule together.

On the Earth vibration, all is duality, but it’s not simply the duality of men and women, but that of the Divine and the Demonic. The Divine Masculine, the pure solar energy, seeded ideas into our consciousness around conquest, battle and struggle. But what was intended as the need to wage an inner spiritual war was hijacked by the Demonic side and externalised into mechanised, global warfare which killed millions. The Divine Feminine, the pure lunar principle, birthed into our consciousness the idea of being more reflective and caring for others. But what was intended as the need to incubate and nurture the future, was hijacked by the Demonic and externalised into self-serving, impersonal bureaucracies of ‘care’, like the welfare state, which were willing to lockdown the entire planet if it saved one more life.

If all this plays itself out as I expect then we are just few moves away from a full-on, real-life, female dictator, an embodiment of the Demonic Feminine who will have no reservations about harnessing the full power of an unaccountable state to compel you to do what she determines to be right. Many people, completely convinced by the idea that her ascension must represent the next phase of progress, and so sick of the chaos and fighting of their Pluto Return, will welcome her with open arms. The Divine Feminine would not go anywhere near authoritarianism, but the Demonic Feminine is happy to forcibly silence all who disagree with her. If you want to know what the future looks like think Servalan from Blakes 7, though probably with longer hair. Don’t look for refuge from this in the misguided ideals of the Age of Aquarius either. The Age of Aquarius is the Reign of Saturn, and who ever heard of any kind of freedom and liberty under that planet? The trouble is that the Demonic Feminine will have a kind-of-truth on her side - the truth that democracy is woefully ill-equipped to deal with the situation now facing us. The snag of course, is that her solutions will mean the end of freedom as we have known it.

Of course, it doesn’t have to go like this. We can escape this matrix, if we are willing to look reality in the eye and see progress for the deceit that it is. But one aspect of that deceit, which we cannot avoid, is the bogus idea that men are bad and women are good. Instead, the Divine and the Demonic exist in everyone. The determining factor, the thing that shows what kind of person you really are is not your sex or gender, or for that matter your race or nationality. It is your divinity.


Humans can look in four directions (and every other direction they look will be a sub-division of these). We can look out, in, up and down. Follow along with some head movements…

To look out is to see the world. To look in is to see oneself. To look up is to be inspired, and to look down is to be restricted. Take a moment to connect with that. The healthy person will be able to do all four, and the healthy society will make room for each. But a Demonic society insists that your prime orientation be outwards to the world and that you must do all that you can to never, ever, look down. Yes, that’s right, for most people a Demonic society of the future will not be dark and foreboding, it will be toxically positive. Such societies are also intolerant of those who look inwards, because they know that those who do will soon work out that progress is a con.

To look outwards is to separate, and because progress is greedy this always, in practice, means division and conflict. The powerful are happy to weaponise this division along class, race or gender lines, but the root cause is always the continued existence of the illusion of progress. This is the rule of the Demonic, be it masculine or feminine. Please consider the following…

“The measure of our bondage is the strength of our attachment to the world of experience and the extent of our submission to the desires which flow from that attachment.” Walter James, Lord Northbourne, originator of the phrase ‘organic farming’ in Looking Back on Progress (1970).

People of Progress, those who look obsessively outwards, are locked into the matrix and ruled by the Demonic, whereas the Divine, be they masculine or feminine, orientate themselves upwards and inwards. They work on their own issues, they don’t blame others, and they don’t talk about systemic inequality until they have healed and dealt with their own brokenness. They access their Heart with a capital-H in their quest for God.

Progress is a modern invention, a rebellion against the reality that human life is one long, ongoing fall. Whereas the Cult of Progress looks forward to the construction of some kind of shining society of the future, anyone who sees through the lie and wants to escape the matrix should get busy looking into their Heart with a capital-H, looking upwards and finding God. The battle of our times is not between men and women, or between black and white. It is between the Divine and the Demonic, two forces which show themselves across sex and race.

Just to be clear here though, whenever I am talking about God I am definitely not talking about the Church, and that is why America is having such a hard time of its Pluto Return, for that is a nation of Churchianity, where a dogmatic religiosity fights a war of attrition with a commercialised, God-less New Age spirituality, with the Digital God of Silicon Valley waiting to sweep in and take the spoils. The net result for the spiritually inclined is nothing but barren ground.

God has also got nothing to do with the welfare state, or social justice, or left leaning politics, or right-leaning politics. God is absent in communism, fascism, centrism, liberalism and democracy. God has definitely got nothing to do with science, and or progress. God is not the architect of war, destruction, poverty or addiction, but God has nothing to do with wealth or prosperity either. God has got nothing to do with any of these human made, matrix things. God is not our thoughts, or our feelings or our body. We might say that God is love, but if so it’s a Love of the Heart that is beyond the feelings, sentimentality, romance and even intimacy of the heart (with a lower case h). God may be present in any of these things, or not, without actually being any of them. And the passage to God is through the Heart, which is not the organ in our chest.

If you are having difficulty with this then it’s not because you are dumb or that I am unclear. It is because we are all immersed in the Kali Yuga amid the chaos of multiple Pluto Returns. We swim in polluted waters and breathe contaminated air. I don’t mean literally, I mean we ingest, 24/7, lies, chief of which is the lie that things should, can and must get better. They shouldn’t and they can’t and they won’t. Lessons come round and round again until we learn them. New does not mean good. So long as the Demonic rules then change may take us up, or it may take us down. But under the rule of the Demonic there is zero chance of a peaceful utopia. Life is simply to learn from, and if we learn enough we can escape…

God is a type of power that very few of us have ever witnessed, experienced or encountered. The power of a rocket ship shooting high into the sky, or a power station lighting up half a city is nothing in comparison to the power of God. The power of the microchip, of medical surgery, or cars, boats, planes or trains are similarly insignificant when compared to the power of God. These material things are amazing, but they are not Divine, they are human made, designed to support life in the matrix which itself exists with the explicit intention of getting rid of God.  

People get the governments they deserve, and a new King, a new Prime Minister, a new President, a new CEO, a New Republic, a new constitutional settlement, none of these things will make a scrap of difference, because they are all Demonic, and so long as we remain distant from God will only make things worse. Of course, you can say Goddess if you prefer, or Gods, or Goddesses plural, but,

“.…all Goddesses are aspects of the One Goddess, all Gods aspects of the One God, and the Two are One.”

That quote appears in Soul Strong Volume One, and is from Ariadne Rainbird and David Rankine, originally appearing in their work Magick without Peers.

Optimism, within the realm of the Demonic, is cowardice. Unless we give up our obsession with progress we will remain lost. Should we become an inter-planetary species then, under the rubric of Demonic progress, we will simply take all of our unresolved ignorance, weakness and stupidity with us, and paint our malice on a larger canvass. If life on Mars results in someone, in the far distant future sitting down in front of their version of a computer screen, unhappy, unfulfilled and wondering what life is really all about then you can certainly call that change, but you can’t in good conscience call it progress. And that is almost certainly what will happen, unless we have a spiritual revolution. Or unless you escape the matrix…

But there’s more. Another aspect of the ponzi-scheme of progress is the popularity of spiritual-not-religious practices. This popular New Age phenomenon might seem harmless enough, but in reality all it does is prioritise wellbeing within the matrix, over and above the need to leave it. Those who just want to ‘live their best life’ fall hard for this, because in reality, the truth and learning you need in order to return to God are easily pushed into second place, behind the desire for ease within the matrix. Spiritual development is about more than just feathering your nest inside the matrix…

The problems of monarchy, democracy and the dictatorships to follow, are all the fault of humans searching for power over their portion of this matrix, and their neglect (or in some cases ignorance) of the power that might free them from it. That power is God, without which societies always, eventually, break apart. Their collapse doesn’t happen because good ideas become distorted by bad people, but because the very ideas upon which those societies are based, are themselves rotten. Atheism, science, progress, democracy, everything that is recognisable and familiar about our world is dying from its roots. We live in a world which is run according to the scam of progress, where lies are told with impunity on an almost daily basis. This will always happen in progressive societies because such places are inherently unstable, and the more progressive they get the less stable they become. Progress is a scam because it is greedy. You can never have enough of it, because the whole thing about progress – the whole thing about rebellion against God – is born of a hatred of limits. And God is the ultimate limit! But limits never held people back, they held them up. The complete spiritual and moral collapse of our society – shown visibly during Covid, but in evidence long before that – was a direct result of the idea that every limit, including death, can be conquered by progress through the development of science, the abolition of God and, of course, the passing of new laws.

People are not the same. Everyone is different in a million ways, and the root of our differences is our level of development. In fact, the only real difference between human beings is that some people are wise, remembering stuff from their previous incarnations, and able to set up their life conditions accordingly, and some are not, with the condition of their life reflecting that. Disparities between people might seem like the result of terrible government policies, but inequality is in fact a consequence of the karma of the law makers as well as that of the individuals concerned, mixed in with people’s desire or refusal to notice what this life is trying to teach them. There is no such thing as systemic inequality, there are only individual stories wherein difficulties and challenges are presented in order that they be grappled with, learned from and overcome. The only society that upends the lives of the many in order to please the karmically challenged few is a Clown World matrix society which has abandoned God and worships the False Religion of Progress.

The nations of America, France and UK are the ones chiefly responsible for the construction of this matrix and the journey away from God. They are the ones who have pushed the lie of progress the hardest by exporting it all around the world. The US is responsible for the belief that you can have God without any real sacrifice or personal responsibility. It has also been the standard bearer of the idea that money solves all your problems. France is responsible for much of the intellectual weight behind the progressive politics that has so poisoned our public discourse. All things related to equality within the matrix spring forth from the French academic mind. And the UK weaponised the myth of progress and built the matrix prison that we all inhabit, through its pole position as leader of the Industrial Revolution, dominant imperial power and capital of international finance.

But the Emperor of Progress has no clothes. One more time…. things don’t get better, they simply change, and every change has a benefit and a cost. For every ‘step forward’ there is always a price to pay. We should not be trying to improve our life by adding this or that, we should be focussing our attention on getting rid of distractions, simplifying, making do with less, and getting into our Heart with a capital-H.

This does not mean that everything is pointless, but it does mean that most of us will need to adjust our expectations, look in new places for our fulfilment, and to stop measuring our personal value by our bank balance or the condition of the society around us. Just because you’ve been advocating for more social justice and less inequality all day long on Twitter doesn’t make you good person. In fact, you may simply have been indulging in displacement activity, agitating for changes in the world precisely so that you don’t have to change yourself. Don’t be that person. The measure of your value is in how you treat the people that you meet, not how vigorously you advocate for abstract principles, the effects of which you will never have to witness, let alone experience.

And just because you find a situation which suits you and looks like it is getting better don’t make the mistake of saying that things are progressing for everyone else. It is perfectly possible to advance your life while all around you are slipping back, or within an ever-worsening environment. All over Twitter you can see how real-time urban degeneration has been normalised and accepted by those living in the middle of it. it all boils down to this,

“First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalise evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil.” I can’t remember who first said those words, but they are absolutely true.

So, whether the US remains legally as a United States is not the point. It is already two countries, culturally, economically, socially and this separation process, an inevitable result of worshiping the myth of progress in the Kali Yuga during a Pluto Return, has not yet played itself out. Barring assassination or some other constructed global event (and please take note, I will not rule out either of these), Trump will return as President, even though he himself, as a firm believer in a kind of progress, is part of the problem. His entire world view is that of ‘bigger, taller, faster, stronger’ and he is firmly of the mind that life gets better the more money you have, personally and nationally. His slogan Make America Great Again is criticised because there are huge numbers of people for whom it was never great in the first place. But the real problem is that as far as Trump is concerned great means wealthy, except that if the soul of the nation is rotten then money is the very last thing it needs! The most likely outcome therefore is that his return only fractures the country even more deeply. The prevalence of guns in America, as a consequence of the 2nd Amendment to their Constitution, makes their ongoing collapse potentially violent. I read a good summary of what is likely to happen in the USA here, and a good historical comparison with the Fall of Rome here. Regardless of your own politics you are probably better off in a state where the governor isn’t afraid to implement policies which support old-fashioned notions like personal choice and liberty, but wherever you are karma must bite. And America, funder-in-chief of the gain of function research which created Covid-19, has a large bill to pay.

Next, France. France will, sooner or later, change its political system to a Sixieme Republique, and will almost certainly elect a ‘far-right’ government. But that won’t solve anything either, for exactly like in America, the progressive class will deny them legitimacy and mire them in crises from Day One. In the years to come you can expect all the fire and brimstone that was unleashed against Trump to be redeployed against the likes of Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour or more likely Marion Marechal. Important side note here: Marion Marechal’s date of birth is 10/12/1989 placing her firmly in the Trump mould, with a Destiny/Life Path 22. She is therefore best placed to capitalise on the French collapse, which has already started. France has ‘violent protest’ encoded in its DNA, so this collapse looks to be accompanied by bloodshed too, though probably only in the big cities.

And in the UK? Well, the ongoing, multi-decade slow-motion emptying of the soul of the nation rolls on. The brief premiership of Liz Truss completed the 78-card cycle of Prime Ministers that I laid out in Great Britain? The Secret Destiny of the British and their Isles. Her removal, as well as that of her predecessor, at the hand of an unholy alliance of establishment interests, against the will of those who elected her, is as sure a sign of the end of democracy as you will find. And if you don’t much like Liz Truss then consider Jeremy Corbyn, to whom the same thing happened, legitimately elected to his position as leader of the Labour Party, only to be broken by the system, not the people, later on. The current PM, Rishi Sunak, is in office, but not in power, merely executing the interests of global capital, as they pertain to these islands. The results? The NHS staggers on, broken. Pensions won’t pay out anywhere near to the degree hoped for. Lawlessness, crime and disorder will spread, and taxes will continue to rise in order to sustain an ever-expanding bureaucracy which is incapable, as well as disinterested, in delivering any appreciable improvement in public services. Infrastructure will continue to crumble. The education system will continue its long-standing project of creating a new generation high in self-belief, low in self-awareness and completely devoid of any connection to history and tradition, Like in America, the middle class are set to suffer a spectacular loss of wealth and prestige as jobs which were previously marked safe from globalisation are decimated by the advance of technology. In the face of all this the state will become increasingly intrusive, heavy-headed and authoritarian and there will be a resulting explosion in mental and physical health problems as a result of all this. The long-term side effects of the Covid jabs will become more and more obvious, while the cognitive dissonance about that disastrous episode in British history will increase. Immigration will become a political battle ground, for the only way to prop up the progressive pyramid scheme is to invite new members into the scheme who don’t see it for what it is. But more and more people, including the migrants themselves, will realise that mass immigration was never about helping people, and was only ever about juicing up progress, which is itself nothing more than a luxury belief for the over-educated and super-rich. Countries with stagnant or falling birth rates simply have to bring in people from overseas to keep the wheels of industry turning. This has got nothing to do with race, but it will be weaponised by racists - anti-black and anti-white - and this will tear the fabric of the nation apart. Race will therefore, sadly, become the defining issue of the times. Unlike America and France we may escape full-on violence, though that very much depends on where you live. But there won’t be a revolution, as such, at least not yet, for most people are already too far gone to resist (Exhibit A: mass, unquestioningly compliance to unscientific and authoritarian Covid restrictions). The monarchy, amid all this, will be unable to perform its unifying role and will weaken, stagger and perhaps eventually fall. All of this will, of course, be labelled, incorrectly, as progress, where in reality we will be witnessing the collapse of the nation state as a means by which we organise our lives.

Now, the collapse of the nation state into something more decentralised, where people might actually have real power over their lives, could in fact, be good thing, but only if it is accompanied by the collapse of the shadowy, unaccountable international institutions that sit behind it. In that sense, Brexit 2016-style has well and truly failed, sold down the river by a coalition of progressive obsessives. But the underlying discontent which drove it has not gone away, and is in fact stronger than ever before. So sooner or later it’ll have to be done all over again. This will happen as soon as enough people realise the degree to which governments with progressive views - Labour and Tory - have sold them out, and that there are no longer, for them at least, any such thing as a ‘good job’. In the Britain of the future work will be something you do, if you can, not something you will ever ‘have’. Obviously, most people are simply not emotionally resilient enough to live that kind of life and will kick hard against it first chance they get. First they will do this against the Tories, in favour of Labour or Liberal Democrats, but that will only make matter worse. There is no political party that has a chance in hell of sorting things out in the UK until the underlying realities of life in as a post-imperial country have dawned on the population. Many people have been living off the wealth of inflated house prices for years now. Strip that away and they won’t know what’s hit them.

The disintegration of these three nations, US, France and Britain, will be accompanied by the ongoing construction of World Government, which will be presented as progress but will in fact usher in precisely the dictatorship I mentioned earlier. The foundations for this were laid long ago, such that the requirements of international finance now dictate government policies and media narratives across the West. One consequence of this is, as Julian Assange warned us, endless war, where one conflict flows seamlessly into the next until the default position is the forever war, with an alternating cast of enemies. Saddam Hussein, Colonel Ghaddafi, Vladmir Putin - it matters not, for these are simply excuses for the wars which were always going to happen anyway. And under the rulership of global banks and corporations, nation states just get in the way. The people who rule the world don’t need the people of nations to be either free, happy or fulfilled. They simply require subservience and continued consumption, whether it be of goods, services or narratives. The lie of progress is one such narrative. The inclusion of the young, women, minorities, gay, bi, trans isn’t being encouraged for the benefit of humanity, it is to create more consumers! It is not for the improvement of souls and the advancement of human dignity, but so that the profits of transnational corporations can be jacked up, and the conscience of those who own and run those corporations be soothed! It’s not complicated. The doors to diversity and inclusion have been unlocked for no other reason than profit, alongside the opportunity for a small elite class to call themselves virtuous. Sure, some people will benefit from this, and many will be able to live more openly and freely. And that is definitely a good thing. But everyone ought to wonder whether social norms are being changed for altruistic reasons, or to benefit an agenda which may well, later on, be turned against all of us, in the name of progress.

Governments across the West have ceased to be the friend of healthy, ambitious, optimistic and creative people, and therefore those governments must fall. They consistently subsidise and facilitate bad outcomes, penalising those who attempt improvements. They talk endlessly about the redistribution of opportunity and resources, yet work round the clock to stifle the uniqueness and creativity which might actually make things better. In almost every policy area they simply have no idea what they are talking about. The system is rotten to the core and, as such, must fall.

Everywhere, in all nations, the march of AI will blur our sense of what is true and false, and many people will suffer what will effectively be death by insanity. This is, in fact, already here, for millions of people, overdosed on progress, as well as on Covid jabs, have already gone stark staring mad. One upside of this however is that it will cause more and more people to seriously question what it means to be human. And that is not a question that can be answered by anyone other than the spiritually connected, though in the short term international finance will benefit greatly when many of the lost and broken are encouraged to consume more in order to heal.

In the short term then, politics everywhere will swing wildly between, on one hand, progressive, globalised, authoritarian parties, with an increasingly Demonic Feminine touch versus insurgent uprisings with an old-school Demonic Masculine energy. Some countries will fall to revolutions, others will go super-woke, while others will go hard in new directions. The words of the century will be fracture and divergence, which will witness the normalisation of dual, or multiple, realities. While the masses may well live under some variation of fully automated communism, where they will own nothing and pretend to be happy, the elites will own and control access to resources, while exempting themselves from the rules that are so assiduously applied to others. Narcissism will continue its rise, because if you aren’t going to worship God, and the idea of worshiping the myth of progress starts to fall away, then what is left to worship other than yourself? But throughout all this the super-rich global elite will do better and better, and they don’t care what happens in your local street or community. Of course, you might decide to escape instead, to live your life more fully than before, just with a very different attitude from those around you…

Of course the world where you own nothing and pretend to be happy is already here. Who, among us, owns their mobile phone? If you are paying monthly then you almost certainly do not. Who owns their own home? Who under 35 even has a mortgage on their own home?

In the end what we will probably see is the breakdown of individual nations and cultures and the merging of human consciousness into one big mass. Globalisation is here to stay. Its cheerleaders benefit too much to let it go without a fight. So long as their profits rise they don’t care about things like unemployment, crime or health. Nor do they care about tradition and culture because they don’t have any themselves, rootless and disconnected as they are. They believe themselves to be citizens of the world, but in reality they belong nowhere, and if the rules were based on anything other than money then no-one would have them. Elections will sometimes be a nuisance for them, but the Deep State is real and its agents have embedded themselves across the Western world, deliberately twisting and nudging debate and legislation in the pre-agreed direction which benefits them.

It boils down to this: This world is a battlefield between the Divine and the Demonic. It always was, and in these times that battle has only intensified. There is, and has only ever been, one enemy. It is as was stated centuries ago,

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” Ephesians 6:12

Evil is real. It is invisible and its influence is everywhere. In the face of this there are only three options:

A - willingly accommodate evil in the hope that it will favour you. This is essentially akin to making a pact with the Devil, and it is undoubtedly what many of the rich and famous do. Those who select this option may also believe that they can profit from the encroaching madness without being affected by it themselves. And up to a point they are right. Up to a point….

B - drop out, and hope to live your life under the radar, away from the effects of evil. While this might be possible, in theory, the spread of technology will make this harder, not easier Decentralised technologies, as used in things like crypto-currencies, may be helpful, but just being a Bitcoin master, by itself, won’t be enough.

C - find God, and fight on the side of the Divine.

If you choose A then I can’t help you. Any pact you make with the Devil contains invisible small print and is adjudicated by a corrupt court over which you have no influence. Those who think they can game the system are themselves being played.

If you choose B then I wish you well and will help you where I can. But that path is not as easy as it seems. You can physically, materially go off-grid without too much trouble, but disconnecting from the lies of the matrix inside your own Body-Mind-Feelings and Soul, as well as the evil forces out there in the ether, is another matter. Evil is not a matter of psychology. It is not simply about your Inner Child, or your Shadow. Evil is real, and exists as destructive and oppressive forces inside and outside your own head.

For those who choose C then I salute you, and welcome you to a much needed spiritual revolution which is gathering pace, underground, with new people renouncing the matrix system every day. In essence, God, in all its many forms, is making a comeback, and although the collapse of the system, and the transfer of power from the Demonic Masculine to the Demonic Feminine might distract us, it is with God that our energy should be. We are not simply witnessing the collapse of national identities, political systems or economic models. What we are living through is a rotting away of the ideas and attitudes which have underpinned those nations and systems for centuries. We have tried a centuries long experiment in becoming steadily more democratic while simultaneously becoming steadily more Godless, and the world that we see around us is the result. The great spiritual teacher Mr M. Mathers of the once great city of Detroit, kind of knew this, though we need to decode his words to understand fully.

“Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothing comes out when they move their lips
Just a bunch of gibberish
And everybody acts like they forgot about…. God.”

The problems of the world, which are visible in the unravelling of America, France and Britain, have come about as a result of attempts by Demonic humans, humans rooted in their lower case-h heart, to do without God, and to go through life getting as much as they can, whether it is good for them or not. Historically this was mainly men, but increasingly now it is women too. But overall it is humanity absent God, and it just won’t work. In the words of the much older spiritual teacher Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“We have forgotten God; that is why all this has happened.”

But, and we must not lose sight of this, there will be tremendous opportunities in the coming years for people who are brave enough to let go of the lie and take the next step. Sadly, many are stuck. Having learned a little but believing they have learned a lot, they have become blind and resistant to the inner changes that they need to make. Their fate will be a hard one, but for everyone else, for those who can begin to see through the illusion of progress, and can recognise the corruption of science, the threat of technology, the rot of politics, the flaws of democracy, the emptiness of much of the New Age, the fakery of many popular spiritual teachings, the destructive nature of globalism and the stone cold evil of international finance and transnational corporations, something wonderful beckons as the three societies of America, France and Britain fall apart in order to be reborn. Those with their eyes open will not be phased in the slightest by my words here, for everything I have described as ‘coming’ is already here. And it remains possible, for now, if you are prepared to look the other way, to insulate yourself from much of what is going on. Advancement of individual goals is still, just about, possible, within this dying system. But the effects of the forces I have described will, sooner or later, touch everybody and everything, The only remaining question will be whether they touch you positively, or like most, negatively?

If you have made it this far, through all three parts of this blog series, then you deserve a medal! So congratulations and thank you for your time! Of course, it might be that I am wrong about all of this and that I am just being too gloomy, pessimistic and negative. But somehow I don’t think so. At the end of the day though it is up to you whether or not you use this information to help you make different and better choices for your future. If you do that then it will have all been worthwhile. But whatever you do just know that whatever the news, entertainment media and popular culture are throwing at you is not just wrong, but also highly misleading. And never, ever, listen to a New Ager. Modern spirituality isn’t really spirituality at all, it’s almost entirely projection and delusion, born of the Cult of Progress.

Finally, and this is the very last thing, I must confess to a personal motive in this blog. I have, in small part, written all this in order to avoid anyone saying to me, in the years to come, why didn’t you tell me? Well, I did.