The Terrible 2's

Back in the days of the 1 (the last centuries that began with 1; the 1900’s, 1800’s, 1700’s etc.) life was simple. For every question there was one answer, and only one answer which you either got right or got wrong. There were differences of opinion, but most people agreed that they were just trying to find the one, right answer.

But now we are in the time of the 2 (the 2000’s), and this means that one answer, one solution or one path is no longer enough. We can see this around us. People do not just disagree. They live in different realities. Of course, many people want to hold onto (or resurrect) the old ways of “this is the one and only answer/way/truth” but that time has gone, and it is not coming back.

The trouble is that we are not yet using the 2 in any good or positive way. 2 is the number of balance, but not before it is the number of division.

Some intellectuals want to divide people into groups, particularly by race, sexuality and gender.

Some politicians and media pundits want to divide people on the basis of how they vote.

Some agitators and campaigners want to divide people by age and class.

The result is that we are more divided than ever, and I only see it increasing. It may be a noble endeavour for world leaders to call for unity, but you can only have unity when you have acceptance…

The deep lesson of the 2 – and the times that we live in – is that we will either come together despite our differences or there will be conflict. Some would rather force others to act, think, believe, behave or speak as they do, but that will only breed greater division.

Difference is a reality of life, and so long as there are living, breathing human beings there will be differences of viewpoint, opinion, behaviour and appearance, some of which some people will find objectionable. But peace and unity will not be found by one side trying to rub those things out. Peace and unity will only come when both sides agree to differ and come together regardless.

This is the challenge of our times and we are a long way from even beginning to rise to it. We must do as the great spiritual teachers Toto told us, and hold the line against the real virus in our world - the virus of fear.

Fear may come with a smile or a frown, but it always comes with a side serving of intolerance, and a refusal to listen to other points of view. And many people are now wracked with fear; fear of others, fear of difference, fear of the unknown and fear of the future. You can build your immunity to this by finding out who you are and what your life is for. That is how you can be strong, safe and protected during these times on Planet Earth.

Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash